

Decent Essays

Toxocariasis is a disease caused by a parasitic roundworm found in the intestine of animals more specifically, cats(T.cati) and dog(Toxocara Canis) (CDC). Toxocara species are transmitted from animals to humans through faecal contact of cat or dog, so it is a zoonotic disease. Young children and owners who have pets (cats and dogs) have a higher chance of getting infected. In many cases, Toxocara infections are asymptomatic; however, some people may get very ill from the infection. The most severe cases are rare but are more likely to occur in young children who eat or play with dirt contaminated by cat or dog faeces (CDC). While some people are exposed to Toxocara species through personal pets, Toxocariasis is considered a “neglected disease …show more content…

H1: Younger children (aged 0-11.9 years) are more likely to have Toxocara antibodies compared to older children (aged 11.9-19 years). Conclusion Overall, we saw that while the proportion of children aged 0- 11.9 years had Toxocara antibodies, there is no statistical significance (marginal difference) between children aged 0-11.9 years compared to children aged 11.9-19 years and the presence of Toxocara antibodies. From the NHANES study, we found that Hispanics children had a higher prevalence of Toxocara antibodies compared to other races. Using data and the population sample from NHANES, the prevalence in children aged 0-11.9 years of age ranged from a low of 53.28% among other Hispanics to a high of 60% among Non-Hispanic Black. Among the entire NHANES population, Toxocara prevalence was significantly higher for other Hispanics than other race groups. These differences may reflect environmental or behavioural factors which may have placed these different groups at different risk of exposure to Toxocara. The absolute differences in the number of children tested for antibodies were small and probably did not reach statistical significance because of its low sample

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