
Trading Patterns Of Trade In Classical Greece, Greece And Rome

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Classical civilizations had advanced societies over the span of thousands of years. Classical civilizations started at the end of the Neolithic era around the 8th century and lasted all the way to the 5th century. These societies had many advances which included trading. The main civilizations that had trading patterns between each other were China, India, Greece, and Rome. What were some technological advances in trading? But what were these trading patterns? What were some connections between classical civilizations because of trading? How did trade affect religion and culture? Summed up trade was an important part of the classical culture that affected technology, culture, and economy.

Trade had a major effect on technology and trade …show more content…

The Met Museum article about Trans-Saharan Trade said: “From the eighth century on, annual trade caravans followed routes later described by Arabic authors with minute attention to detail. Gold, sought from the western and central Sudan, was the main commodity of the trans-Saharan trade.” These trade caravans domesticated camels to cross the Saharan desert to trade essential goods that were needed in Africa. Classical Greece is on a peninsula between 4 seas and is surrounded by mountains. So we can conclude already by its geography that Greece traded by Sea. The 4 seas that surround Greece is Ionian Sea, Aegean Sea, Black Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. The EH article about Classical Greece Economy says “Many of the goods traded throughout ancient Greek history were luxury goods, manufactured items, such as jewelry and finely painted vases, as well as specialty agricultural products like fine wine and honey.” Yes, most trades was luxury goods which showed the financial stability of Classical Greece they also traded necessities like grain and timber mostly from the Black Sea. Rome was a huge empire that needed to support its vast amount of land. One of these ways was through trade. Rome conquered pretty much the

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