
Tradition In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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Traditions are a positive thing many people have many ways to express it and show it. But there are some traditions that involve to stone someone to death are traditions like that still worth to keep going?. Many people lose tradition to adapt to a new lifestyle. Change is never good and if your tradition is changed then so are you. You're not the same person as you were before. In “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson shows how a cruel community is so influenced to assassinate somebody every year and how a character in the story called Tessie is affected by this yet every year she joins. And she also joins into executing the people then when it was her turn she denies it. She says “it wasn’t fair”. And the whole town was aggravated at Tessie and her decisions To refuse that it was her time. …show more content…

And whoever gets chosen gets stoned to death. And in “Without Title” By Diane Glancy, she explains how tradition is lost and the buffalo is gone. Traditions are important but are some worth to keep going. Are traditions like ''The Lottery” worth to keep going to stone someone to death. This lottery has many effects but especially on Tessie who decides to starts a protest about how bill did not give the family enough time. And so much violence in such a small community is horrible everyone turning against one another and executing them. Tessie is affected by what just happened that now she doesn't want to do this anymore now that she just got chosen and after going year after year when it was her time she starts to refuse and doesn't want to do it

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