
Traditional American Family : The Differences Between Traditional And Modern Family

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Modern family, what does this mean? The importance placed on families is seen all over the world and every country is quite different. Here in the United States we are seeing a drastic shift in the American family dynamic. In the past, a family where the mother and father both had equal power was uncommon. In fact, if the father was not seen as the head of the household and the mother did not stay at home to raise the children there family was seen as abnormal. This dynamic is changing as other unique types of families become accepted. We are now seeing unusual families such as two gay men, two gay women, single parents, and even roommates now falling under the category of “family”. “We expose the institution of marriage as one of the most insidious and basic sustainers of the system,” proclaimed the Gay Liberation Front in 1969. Yet by the 1980s, gay men as well as lesbians were insisting that “ love makes a family” and demanding rights for “families we chose”. There has also been a trend of birthrates declining, children being raised by single parents, and couples getting married much older than in the past. While there may be several similarities between traditional and modern families, there are some new and important differences. This paper explores the history of the traditional American family and describes how the definition of family is being redefined as society evolves.
One of the major differences between the traditional family and modern families is the role

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