
Children With Disabilities In Afghanistan And The United States

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Both U.S. and Chinese school systems have strengths and weaknesses. However, education for children with disabilities in Afghanistan continues to lag well behind China and the United States. There does not seem to be any conclusive and accurate data on the number of children with disabilities in Afghanistan. However, due to injuries as a result of conflict and war, physical impairment is one of the largest groups (Miriam et al., 2009, p. 33). Afghanistan can learn how China and the U.S. are providing access to their students with disabilities

What can China learn from Afghanistan & the United States?
What can China and Afghanistan learn from the United States?
The United States can serve as a model for both Afghanistan and China. Both can make some specific changes to their special education process that would benefit their students with disabilities. Like the U.S., they could start providing more appropriate educational options to meet the unique needs of their students with disabilities, not just provide inclusion in a general education classroom. China has made some great progress in regards to the services and opportunities they provide for their children with disabilities. However, effective instruction in inclusive settings has yet to be achieved (Deng & Poon-McBrayer, 2012, p. 120). Inclusive …show more content…

Learning objectives must include the development of higher-order skills, along with social and emotional development. Children need a safe, learner-friendly and stimulating environment. Children with disabilities and/or special needs as well as their parents need to be provided with free access to school and community based support systems. We must guarantee the right to quality education for all children. How we define, implement and assess quality of education is the key to ensuring that the process is truly expanding choices and opportunities for all

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