
Tragedy Of The Commons Summary

Satisfactory Essays

“Tragedy of the Commons”
What is Garrett Hardin’s central idea in this article? The central idea of “The Tragedy of the Commons” is that, to ensure an acceptable, general quality of life, the human race must limit its population growth, ultimately through means of coercion. To reach this conclusion, Hardin works through multiple assumptions and their various conclusions. First is that we live in a world of finite resources. No amount of technical, technological, or agricultural innovation will be able to adequately satisfy humanity's exponential population growth. Furthermore, current attitudes towards reproduction suffer from the “Tragedy of the Commons”. Since for each individual the immediate benefits of having a child outweigh the …show more content…

Human beings, across the board, need to be less wasteful. Beyond that, however, my and Hardin’s views differ. My main point of contention is that, in modern society, the benefits of having a child generally do not outweigh the individual and societal costs. Having a baby is expensive. Nowadays, not only do you have to buy food and clothes for the children, but baby cribs, toys, carriages, school supplies, etc. Once upon a time, everyone lived on a farm, which made having children great because they could work as farm hands and earn their keep, but that’s mostly in the past. Child labor laws outright prevent children from being economically profitable in any legal capacity. In reality, present-day parenting is totally caring for an abnormally needy human being for around twenty years with absolutely no economic gain. There simply is little to no, actual benefit to having a child. This fact is reflected in the fact that birth rates in developed nations has steadily decreased over the years (Yew). Similarly, the assumption that the welfare state somehow encourages over-reproduction is also unsupported. It is within the welfare state that contraceptives are most readily available, meaning women are less likely to get pregnant by accident. This greatly reduces the birth rate. Plus, the greater education that these nations usually provide means more women are joining the workforce. Because of this, more women might decide to hold off parenthood, as

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