
Trail Creative Writing

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I step out of the car and stretch my muscles in the balmy ambience of the morning.
Inhaling the misty air and exhaling worry, I am awash with pure excitement as I begin to trek into my realm of peace and beauty: a hiking trail.

I watch as the tall pine trees and mountains replace the familiar surroundings of concrete buildings and copper telephone wires. The sun, warming my face, filters through the ceiling of leaves and leaves a kaleidoscope of light upon the dirt floor. The sound of crunching gravel under my feet contrasts with the whispering wind in my ears.

Senses enlivened, my mind is at ease and set on one thing only: following the path in front. Nothing is hectic. Nothing is complicated - save the struggle to tear my eyes away from the scenery whilst walking on the rocky terrain. As I immerse myself further into Nature’s tranquil embrace, my steps become measured by the pauses and moments I am drawn forward in awe, rather than the amount of miles left until the top. …show more content…

The backpack stuffed with water, trail mix, and extra socks on my shoulders satisfies me more than a high-fashion Chanel purse ever will. The cries and chirps of wildlife excite me more than the buzzing of my iPhone. I am locked fully in the ‘now’. There is no nag of deadlines and schedules; the focus is to live calmly and appreciate the present beauty that surrounds

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