
Trail Of Tears Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Berry, Christina. "The Trail of Tears - All Things Cherokee." All Things Cherokee. Cherokee Nation, 01 May 2001. Web. 05 June 2015.

• Summary: The point of this article is to cover life for the Cherokees prior to Andrew Jackson becoming president and their subsequent removal from their homes and land. The article includes detail on the fact that the Cherokee were actually forcibly removed, at gunpoint in some cases, five days before the deadline which gave them very little time to get their personal belongings. This article states that gold had been discovered on Cherokee land and that’s why it was so valuable. There is also detail on legal action the tribe took to try and protect their land and the fact that although the court ruling was …show more content…

The author provides additional sources of information and she has good credentials. The site is not a government agency but the All Things Cherokee site seems to be unbiased and focused on providing information about Cherokee heritage. This article doesn’t go into deep detail in any particular area but the article covered many useful and important topics.

• Reflection: The main areas this article is useful to me is that it provides information on things that I didn’t see discussed in other articles such as them being removed five days early or at gunpoint and the information about life after they settled onto their new land. The article doesn’t provide enough detail on these areas but they are areas that now that I’m aware of them I would dig deeper to find articles that covered that information in more detail.

"Cherokee Trail of Tears." Cherokee Trail of Tears. North Georgia Library System, n.d. Web. 04 June …show more content…

The article also covers information on the Cherokee relations with the U.S. Government where the Cherokee had recognized through treaties as a nation with their own laws and customs but the treaties were continually whittled away until in 1819 the Cherokee National Council notified the federal government they would no longer cede land and they hardened their resolve to say on their own lands. The article also goes into issues with States’ Rights, particularly the issues in Georgia. It also discusses the Treaty of New Echota, where Chief John Ross sold the land for $5 million dollars and agreed to move the Cherokees. There are extensive details of how the Indians were moved in ‘the Roundup’ as well as the cruelty they endured on the march to the new land.

• Evaluation: This site has been updated within the past few years, and provides list to additional sources and citations. The actual author is unnamed but the Trail of Tears association is well established. The purpose of the article is to provide knowledge of the Cherokee life back to the 1700’s up to their removal on the Trail of

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