
Train To Crystal City Chapter Summary

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Social Movements A. In the book Train To Crystal City the main issue in this book was that Japanese, German, and Italian Immigrants with their American-born children were forced and shipped to this “Family internment Camp” during World War II. These humans were never charged with any crimes, but only judged by their color of their skin. One of the worse things that happened in these camps was that immigrants and America-born citizens were exchanged with important white Americans that were held captive in either Japan or Germany. The lack of social movements to fight the injustice treatment of humans based on how they look was excruciatingly weak. This was a great opportunity for marched, protests, and sit-ins. Not only for these targeted groups but for bystanders, …show more content…

Civil rights act of 1964 which made discrimination and segregation which obviously these minorities in the book were segregated from the world and to freedom. There was also the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which game minorities the right and power to vote, but they were never given an opportunity to vote if internment camps were the best idea for the country. Judicial Court Decisions One Court decision we talked about was Korematsu vs. United Stated, this case greatly applies to The Train To Crystal City. The court decision that is was constitutional of the internment camps for the Japanese Americans that were involved in the book. Another court decision to relate to the groups targeted in the book would be Loving vs. Virginia. Which allowed interracial marriages legal, effected Japanese- American citizens who some could have been half or even more of a percentage white, but if they appeared to be Asian there were sent to these internment camps. What You

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