
Training Flying Imparted At Army Aviation School

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Basic training flying imparted at Army Aviation School is the bed rock of Army Aviation. Officers aspiring to become Aviators go through a professionally challenging basic Aviation course at Army Aviation School. The basic flying is conducted on MFI-17 (Mushshak Aircraft), which is a small two seater fixed wing monoplane. It is a rugged, versatile, and a very good basic trainer aircraft which bears the brunt of all the follies of an ab-initio Aviation student, including but not limited to hard landings, bumpy rides, touching engine limitations in hot weather, and excessive control deflections. Army Aviation School is located at Gujranwala which is in the heart of the Punjab province and is famous for its rice cultivation. Moreover, it …show more content…

This water remains standing in the fields for a couple of months and increases the humidity index of the region drastically. Then the Monsoon rains start lashing the area and further increase the humidity index. Since, it is peak summer times with temperatures shooting up to 50o Celsius, so the capacity of air to hold water particles is manifolds as compared to cold winter season. The overall effect of all these different physiographic factors is creation of a giant hot air bubble engulfing the area with a lot of humidity trapped inside of it. These extreme physiographic conditions test the limits of man and machine alike which are already being tested by the high G (gravity) forces experienced during the aerobatics phase.
The MFI-17 aircraft is a small trainer aircraft with a piston engine that is air cooled. It has a limited rated horsepower of 200 HP. There is no environment control (air condition) facility installed in the aircraft. During the summer cum Monsoon season, the aircraft is subjected to extreme weather conditions which affect its performance and maintenance. At the same time, the aerobatics phase also starts. During the aerobatics phase, the aircraft and the pilot are subjected to G forces up to +5 Gs and -2 Gs. During aerobatics, the aircraft is turned, rolled, and maneuvered through the air through various flying attitudes. Since, the aircraft is flown by under training pilots, therefore it is subjected to further stress and wear

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