Table of Contents Introduction…………………………………………………………………….…..……..2 Event Description…………………………………………………………………….…..3 3 Week Training Plan……………………………………………………………………4 Analysis of Training Principle Specificity………………………………………………5 Analysis of Training Principle FITT……………………………………………………..6 Analysis of Training Principle Overload………………………………………………..7 Evaluation of Performance………………………………………………………………8 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………….…..9 Bibliography……………………………………………………………………….…..…10 1.0 Introduction In order to acquire a more advanced knowledge on training programs, throughout this term our class has been studying the ‘Training Principles’ to help improve ourselves in the sport of Aquathlon as we are to perform a 2km swim and …show more content…
The final component of the FITT principle is the time or duration of each session. This can differ depending on the level of fitness one may have, so for a beginner it is recommended that they train for at least 20-30 minutes, and once they become more advanced it should increase to at least 45-60 minutes. The FITT principle is vital is being successful in a training program. 6.0 Analysis of Training Principle Overload The basic sports training
We watch him for signs. His arms are steady at the catch, his cadent feet tick in the stretch, they know the lesson well.” In these two sentences you can picture what is going on, and in these two sentences the author shows us again how good of technique this swimmer
Imagine taking one step into a chlorine-filled arena. The humid air rushes onto your skin. An immense smile spreads across your face. This is because you know everything is about to change. In less than 24 hours you will be holding a glistening gold medal in your hand, standing up on the podium while the Star Spangled Banner blares for the whole world to hear and tears will stream down your face. Taking one look back at your coach, Teri McKeever, you realize if it wasn’t for her you would not be here. Graciously, you run up, swing your arms around her body, and embrace her in a powerful hug that says it all. Swimming is a very intense sport and consumes every second of a swimmer’s free time. However, putting in hundreds
I applied the FITT principle by looking at how often the youth football player can train after doing so much training himself I decided an hour session was best so that it didn’t take up too much of their own time. Due to the training session only being 1 hour I decided to increase the intensity as he progressed. When focusing on the type of training I am going to come up with different exercises and mix up the activities so they wouldn’t feel bored etc.
"Swimming instruction, which in time became swimming practice, was grueling, but there was the deep pleasure of doing a stroke with increasing ease and speed" (Martell 10).
Understanding the fundamental relationships in mechanics, helps form a foundation for the analysis of human movement in surfing. The main principle or law of motion I am going to look into is Newton’s Law of Action and Reaction. This law of motion is mainly applied when paddling. It helps me understand how the application of force to my arm and hand determines the speed and movement of my surfboard and this allows such movement to become more efficient.
As I mentioned before swimmers aren’t based on their ability to master the techniques but also in the values they posses. The values they posses are respect, honesty, fairness and courage. I had to learn and use those values everyday I went to swimming practice. There’s one thing that I needed to have to become part of the discourse community, which was being passionate about swimming and not giving up. At the beginning it was really hard for me not to give up when I was exhausted, but after becoming more passionate for swimming I never gave up. There were moments when I thought of giving up, but I knew that if I really wanted to call my self a swimmer I shouldn’t give up and I didn’t. For example, once I was in a Swimming Festival in my High School where I competed the four different strokes. I always finished second in the 50-meter freestyle race, but that day I decided I would end up first place. The race started and I jumped into the water and started pacing my self so that I would finish strong. In the first 25-meters we were all tied up and I was starting to feel tired. But I knew I couldn’t give up, so I took a deep breath and pushed harder. I pushed harder and was able to win the first place. After this race, I realized that even though I felt like giving up, something inside me was telling me to push harder and that thought led me to success. I was able to
George Corones has always had a passion for swimming but during World War II he had stopped and had not been in a pool for nearly 60 years. After picking up swimming again at age 80, George was swimming for himself and letting others have the records. He proved age limits wrong by dropping over 30 seconds, from the previous record in the 50 - meter freestyle. He ended the race with an amazing time of 56.12. His limits don't stop there as he is competing to break the 100 meter freestyle record on Saturday, March 10th in the Queensland, Australia trials. After his swim, he was delighted and determined to establish another record. His current training session includes, swimming three days a week and finding an additional two days to train at
A large number of swimmers don’t like it, whether that be because of the sheer difficulty, or because swimming makes them anxious, or because they’ve simply been swimming for so long that they are no longer entertained. The last option is the one that seems to hold true for most club swimmers who no longer find joy in the sport, the ones who have been doing it for five, eight, even eleven years. Those are the people who are simply tired of it. I, on the other hand, love swimming and the feeling of gliding though the water. People will tell you that no one, in any sport, really enjoys practices, but I can honestly tell you that I do. For at least the last five months I have looked forward to swim practice everyday. If nothing else, I know that I have an outlet for my anger, frustration, or any other emotion that I may have. At best, I know that I have a group of friends who are all working to achieve the same goal as I am and that I can always lean on them for support and they can always lean on me, if need be. The feeling of swimming a good race is one of the best feelings in the world. When you can tell that you're just flying through the water and you have everyone’s attention and you know that you're better than you were the last time you raced, better than you were yesterday. I guess maybe that’s the thing I like about practice, that everyday I’m
Stop, right now, think of the last time you went swimming, think of how many times you've gone swimming, how high is that number? It's engraved into our lives, not only is it a fun way to relax, but swimming is a survival skill needed for many species to use in their lives. Swimming is part of nature, almost every living species has a natural instinct of how to swim right from birth, but humans don't, why do you think that is? Over the years, swimming from a competition stand-point has advanced and changed along with technology. My goal is to learn about: the regulations of competition swimming (rules and strokes), the technological advances that are pushing athletes to go beyond old records, and what is happening with swimming in your neighborhood.
Thesis/main topic – Learning how to swim is essential for being around water, it will help strengthen a person confidence, improve your physical fitness, and provide an area for stress release.
There are many aspects and components that make up the sport performance of Olympic diving. To become an excellent diver, one must integrate the six components of a Sports Performance Program. The six training components include, flexibility, cardiorespiratory, core, balance, plyometric, and speed, agility, and quickness. This paper will be covering three of the six components, which include: balance, plyometric, and speed, agility, and quickness.
I learned that swimming is both good for the body and the mind. Water is 600 to 700 times denser than air so it improves muscular strength. Adapted aquatics can also improve flexibility because the reduction in gravity allows a greater range of motion and the uniform pressure gives the body greater support. Adapted aquatics is also good for mental and emotional health of those with special needs. While swimming the volunteers give praise and strike up friendly conversation that give opportunity for success. I also learned that adapted aquatics activities should be changed to fit the individual's needs and
The journey of competitive swimming started at the age of eight for my local `neighborhood team. I exhibited great potential for the future, for I won nearly all my races. This seemed like the sport
Central Idea: Swimming has a long and rich history that dates back way before our generations and is not always as beneficial as we may think.
Using the FITT principle to help my journey of stretching is very helpful to make sure that I am keeping up with my routine. I am choosing to report on how I will maintain my levels of general condition and health . I will not be reporting on sport performance, because I am not involved in any athletic activity anymore. The FITT principle starts off with how often I will do my stretching routine . I will need to keep up a daily routine of working out my muscles so I can condition them to stay stronger and overall lead to a healthier lifestyle . By stretching daily , it will increase my health benefits and help with general conditioning. Next would be how hard and how long I need to be stretching . It is important to stretching for a few minutes