The elaborate triumph following Trajan’s conquering of Dacia took place over the course of two days. In the early morning, the procession started with musicians leading the way through the porta triumphalis, located at the porta carmentalis (Coarelli), singing ballads of Trajan’s victory. This excited the crowd and readied them for the procession, as well these ballads played a role in commemorating this triumph for years to come.
After the musicians, the procession continued with the display of the captured Dacian treasure. This procession included wagons of gold and silver taken from Decebalus’s treasure, hidden in the river Sargetia. As well, there were wagons and platforms carrying other trophies found in Dacia, like the elite’s personal
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In their tattered uniforms, they were a pathetic looking crowd. Trajan did ensure although that these captives continue through the procession unchained. Trajan wanted them to be unchained to show that their defeat to him was so consuming, that they did not need chains on to stop them from attempting to escape, just the thought of Trajan scared them into obeying.
As the army walked to the forum, the generals of the Dacian army, were brought forward and executed in front of the crowd. These generals were chased down by the jackals, brought from Dacia, which brought the Roman citizens immense satisfaction.
After the army passed, the Dacian elite and family of the ruler, Decebalus, shuffled by. There were forced out of their regal wear into clothes fit for slaves. This was done to show the complete lack of power left to the Dacian Citizens. To further the dehumanization of the Dacians, the personal robes of Decebalus were carried on a platform behind his family, along with his severed head decked with a diadem. This was put in the triumph to mock the cowardice and memory of Decebalus.
Following the captives came trumpeters and oxen heavily ordained in jewels and garland like no sacrifice had ever been before. In addition to the oxen, there was a beautiful lynx taken from Dacia being led on a gold
Domitius had brought his army upon Pompey but their was a ravine between them. The ravine was hard to cross, and at the time there was a heavy storm pouring down rain and blowing big gusts of wind. Domitius was ready to retreat but Pompey was waiting for this moment. With his troops he quickly advanced and crossed the abyss, the enemy was in a state of great confusion and disorder and not all of them were present. The rain had made it hard to see and the battle was a flurry, many were fighting against their own army, Pompey himself narrowly escaped death. Pompey’s troops won the battle and his troops gave him the title imperator meaning commander or a victorious general. Pompy said he could not accept the title with some of the enemy camp still standing, and if they wish to make him worthy of honor they must demolish the enemy camp. So they assaulted the adversary and thereafter Domitius perished at the hands of Pompey.
The Roman Empire was, overall, an immensely successful and innovative empire; this success derived from the implementation of the Christianity religion, spreading of Romanization so that Roman subjects were united and had Roman rights, and the economical and technological advancements that flourished under the period of Pax Romana. While these benefited the Roman Empire greatly and made Rome a prosperous civilization, Rome gradually weakened and, conclusively, fell. The eventual and definite decline of Rome was caused by excessive territorial expansion, economic issues, and foreign invasions.
Marcus Ulpius Trajanus, notoriously known as the Roman Emperor Trajan was born September 18, most likely in the year 52 AD of Spanish origin. He was an educated man with a powerful, masculine figure. A bronze sculpture at Harvard University showcases his physique in ceremonial armor standing as if addressing his troops. He possessed a true sense of dignity and humbleness which to the Romans made him an emperor of true virtue. He was an emperor who truly enjoyed war; his passion for war came from the fact that he was very good at it. He was a brilliant general, as shown by his military achievements. He was naturally very popular with the troops, especially due to his willingness to share in the hardships alongside his soldiers.
The Western Roman Empire had its light for ____ years, and grew to be the greatest empire of the time. but four major factors contributed to its great downfall. Political issues caused uncivilized actions, economic problems created famine, deadly diseases plagued thousands, and to end it all foreign invaders burned Rome down.
I think the roman society was very good at meeting the common good wants and needs.They met it with little cost.Also they had government roles such as common defense public services protect rights promote rule of law
When speaking of Roman gladiators, many people tend to have misconceptions of who they really were and their status in society. A vast amount of people are lead to believe that all gladiators were slaves and lived under harsh conditions. Even though most gladiators were slaves and prisoners of war, a lot of them were low class men who wanted to attain glory and fame, others were
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As put by Kenneth P. Czech, “on his heels was a hastily assembled army of 3000 militia commanded by Clodius Glaber” (Czech). This group of men weren’t very experienced and were trained very poorly. The militia were deployed at the bottom of the mountain and they blocked off the main roads. Meanwhile, Spartacus and his slave army were already up the mountain taking refuge. They waited at the top of the mountain until nightfall. When it finally became dark the men attacked the stationed army and overthrew them. The slaves then scavanged the weapons and armor (Czech). Rome was forced to take more drastic
The Roman government was very affective and ran the country very well. It helped in keeping Rome powerful and having a great deal of control. It worked efficiently because it included many kinds of government control and the people of Rome had partial say in what went on.
Being labelled as “slave” was a harsh reality faced by the characters of The Forgotten Legion; moreover, it was the ambition of the two gladiators to escape Rome and cut ties with their past. Being seen as a slave meant that the characters, Romulus and Brennus, would be considered the property of the gladiator school, Ludus Magnus, or amongst the lowest ranking in Roman society. After killing a Roman patrician in an unforeseen scrap, both gladiators were confronted with an opportunity to escape the city and free themselves from slavery. After leaving Rome, it becomes evident to both characters that the only action that could negate their status as slaves was the removal of their brands:
Students in impoverished communities feel as if they cannot reach their dreams because of the conditions in which they are raised.Some students feel as though they are unable to over poverty. I know from experience that all it takes to motivate children is exposure to their possibilities. This will motivate them to go out and make their dreams realities. I learned this from the person that inspires me, my mentor, Anita Johnson. She is the coordinator of Health Professions Affinity Community (HPAC), a program that allows students to focus on medical disparities within their community. The students develop a project and implement a plan to alleviate these disparities. It is her job to help us succeed in our groups, but what inspires me most
The Trajan design was named after the 13th Emperor of Rome (circa. 100AD), who was a keen builder of public buildings. As was customary for Roman buildings of the time, his buildings bore distinctive stone-chiseled plaques to honor those who built them. Wherever you went in Rome, you could be sure of seeing his name adorning an edifice somewhere. Trajan ’ s Column, a large column dedicated to him, bears inscriptions in the distinctive style and is one of the most famous examples of Roman square
Identify two reports on serious failures to protect individuals (ADULTS) from abuse. Write an account that describes the unsafe practices in the reviews. Look on Google under UK failures in adult care
WHEN AT LAST the crowds had finally gathered, the charioteers entered in solemn procession through the Triumphal Gate at the extreme eastern end of the Lageum, and ahead of the vast array of chariots first of all there went the magistrate sponsoring the games, himself in an impressive chariot and surrounded by a resplendent entourage of attendants on horse and foot. He was followed by certain priestly colleges in pontifical vestments, by statues of deities piously borne on gilded litters, by troupes of trumpeters and harpists raising their clangor, and then last, but not least, came the racing chariots themselves. Rubio drove his team amid that procession of glistening chariots and assembled dignitaries, proudly reigning Tuscus, Tigris,
An individual on average would fight about three times a year, and for the rest of the time travel with the troop. The troops swore an oath to their master, and traveled from city to city looking for work (Roman Gladiator). The social class of the Gladiators was rather ironic in itself. On one hand they were considered slaves, that's the lowest class in a social structure, but on the other hand, some gained popularity and were looked upon as great warriors and heroes. Some rose to celebrity status in a short time as in the movie when Maximus became a hero to the public eye, worthy of praise of greater importance than even the king himself. In the movie this was a direct result in the downfall of Commodus, but this isn't factual, as Maximus is a fictional character. It just demonstrates the influence the Gladiators had on the public eye, he was the Rockstar of the Roman Empire'.