
Trans Community Surveillance

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This week both readings discussed surveillance and the impact that surveillance has on the trans community. Most of the discussion is based on a post September 11th America. A time where heightened security was encouraged and accepted. The Moore and Currah reading focuses on New York both before and after 9/11. They argued that some bodies were under more surveillance than others, specifically deviant bodies. These deviant bodies were defined in comparison to white, heterosexual, male bodies. Surveillance was gendered and a form of surveillance was birth certificates. This brought a multitude of difficulties for trans people, because they were expected to provide medical documentation for their “sex change” and even then their birth certificate might not be changed completely. What I found confusing was the paradox between concealment and revealing one's identity through their genitalia. How could trans people do both? In Beauchamp, the …show more content…

In this case deviant bodies include terrorists, immigrants but also transgender people from minority communities. Comparing Jorgensen and Delisa Newton allows us to see that the person closest to white, homogenous values is accepted more than the deviant body. However, it is important to understand that these “values” are not inherent, they are learned and we are conditioned to believe in this hierarchy through the social. This is what Plemons is arguing and it is helpful to analyze Beauchamp and Moore through this lens. The reason why this is important is because it helps explain why people pushback within the boundaries that are confining them. Beauchamp shows how instead of trying to breakdown this heightened security the NCTE tried to remove gender as a marker for verification. Inadvertently, or purposely trying to take the pressure off themselves and onto another group, immigrants and

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