Jaynil Patel
Lab Partners: Meghan Harbaugh and Chaimae Oualid
TA: Prabani Dissanayake
Title: Simple and Fractional Distillation of a Binary Mixture
Introduction: Cyclohexane and Toluene are the two organic molecules that will go through the purification process. Both compounds are “colorless, flammable liquids, that dissolves with water” (Environmental protection Agency). The lab required using distillation, which is a process of separating liquids by cooling, heating, and condensing the vapors in order to purify the liquids. This process involves boiling a liquid to a certain degree till the liquid molecules are vaporized. The vaporized molecules then pass through the condenser upon which the molecules cool off and return to their
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The table shows the temperature Vs. volume for both the simple and fractional distillations of Cyclohexane and Toluene
Graph 1 Graph one. This graph shows temperature Vs. volume of both simple and fractional distillations of Cyclohexane and Toluene. This graph also shows the boiling points of the two liquids allowing a person to see where both liquids start and
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When the first experiment first began, the liquid mixture took several minutes to began boiling and for the drops to appear in the vial. There was enough stock mixture to obtain 3.5mL of each organic component in the simple distillation but not the fractional. The group that I was in only did simple distillation. For fractional distillation another group gave the results. The reason why the fractional distillation might not have been at 100 percent was due to the fact that the group was unable to distill to dryness. There had to be some liquid in the vial or else the vial would have broken. There was only enough to gain 3.0mL of Toluene. The graph shows where both liquids began forming drops and where both liquids stopped producing drops. The graph is a little different from the one showed in the lab manual. During the experiment both distillation processes began forming drops a little under 80 degrees Celsius and finished forming drops under 111 degrees Celsius. The graph in the manual shows both processes forming vapor drops above 80 degrees Celsius and finished drops at or above 111 degrees Celsius. The graph in the lab manual is more accurate to what was suppose to actually happen to the two compounds. The graph 1 in the lab report and the graph in the lab manual aren’t too
Introduction The gold rushes was a major event in Australian history. The gold rushes were important because it shaped Australia’s economy. The gold rushes started in 1851 when Edward/William Hammond Hargreaves discovered gold in the New South Wales colony on the 12th of February. The gold rushes made people quit their jobs with hope that they would find gold and become rich. In 1852 the gold rushes bought 90,000 people to Victoria.
Objective: The main goal of this lab is to learn how separation of binary liquid mixtures is performed. Especially when the two liquids have boiling points varying by about 30° C. Hexane can be separated from toluene in this experiment because of the difference in their boiling points. Since toluene has a higher boiling point, it will left at the bottom while the hexane starts to boil out and collect in the Hickman still. GC measurements help us in determining how accurate our data is by making a graph of the amount of hexane and toluene in each fraction. Also this lab gives experience with semi-micro
he experimental variable in this experiment was the changing number of Alka Seltzer tablets that were put into the 250mL beaker of vinegar. Some of the control variables in this experiment were that the same beaker and thermometer were used for each trial, the same type of vinegar and Alka Seltzer were used for each trial, and the same amount of vinegar. The original Hypothesis was that more Alka Seltzer would increase the temperature of the vinegar was not correct. After analyzing the data it can be seen that for the first trial the temperature did not change as it stayed at 24 degrees Celsius before and during the reaction with 1 tablet, also for trial two with two tablets the temperature stayed the same at 23 degrees Celsius and did
Because the substance with lower boiling point will evaporate first, under the control of temperature, the higher boiling point component will stay in the pot (Lab manual). When heating the round bottom flask about 40℃, the bubbles come out from the solution which means dichloromethane, the lower boiling substance, is evaporated. After the bubbling stops, 1,4-dimethoxybenzene in the flask become thicker and turn into a darker brown color. The percent yield is low because the loss of 1,4-dimethoxybenzene in the experiment 1. Experiment 3:
(c) (2 pts) Imagine that you wanted to perform a distillation at your own home (remember, distillation as a technique is not illegal—it is only illegal if you use it to produce alcohol), but you did not have the fancy lab equipment that you saw in the video. How could you do it? How could you improvise in terms of equipment? Explain the entire setup in detail and how the
In the process of distillation, the liquids are separated based on boiling points. Ethanol has a lower boiling point, so it is typically the first to collect in the Hickman head reservoir. Once all of the ethanol in the solution has vaporized and collected in the reservoir, the only component left to boil off is water. Therefore, it is possible that there was not a high concentration of ethanol in the solution to begin with, and it was vaporized within the time frame that the first fraction was collected.
1.) Transfer the distillate to separatory funnel. Fluid didn’t seem very clear but sufficient to finish our lab on time.
The boiling range of the 1-pentyl ethanoate distillate was approximately between 149-151°C. This was indicated by the formation of the distillate and when the mixture of the purified 1-pentyl ethanoate started to vigorously
Distillation is a method of separating two volatile chemicals on the basis of their differing boiling points. During this lab, students were given 30 mL of an unknown solution containing two colorless chemicals. Because the chemicals may have had a relatively close boiling point, we had to employ a fractional distillation over a simple distillation. By adding a fractionating column between the boiling flask and the condenser, we were able to separate the liquids more efficiently due to the fact that more volatile liquids tend to push towards the top of the fractionating column, thereby leaving the liquid with the lower boiling point towards the bottom. After obtaining the distillates, we utilized a gas chromatograph in order to analyze the volatile substances in the gas phase and determine their composition percentage of the initial solution. Overall, through this lab we were able to enhance our knowledge on the practical utilization of chemical theories, and thus also demonstrated technical fluency involving the equipment.
Me and my lab partner, obtained a mixture of a un known proportion from the instructor and then flow the guide line in our lab manual to separate the mixture by applying the separation method motioned in our lab manual pages 33-40 . In this experiment, the separation methods were decantation,
Method: Distillation is based on the fact that the matter can exist in three phases - - solid, liquid and gas. As the temperature of a pure substance is increased, it passes through these phases, making a transition at a specific temperature from solid to liquid (melting point--mp) and then at a higher temperature from liquid to gas (boiling point--bp). Distillation involves evaporating a liquid into a gas phase, then condensing the gas back into a liquid and collecting the liquid in a clean receiver. Substances that have a higher boiling point than the desired material will not distill at the
With the purpose of the experiment being to identify the 30 mL of unknown liquid, the theoretical basis of simple and fractional distillation must be deconstructed and applied to the data obtained describing the liquid in question.
The purpose of this experiment was to separate a two component mixture using fractional distillation. Distillation is a process of vaporization than condensation of a substance, used primarily to separate substances from a mixture when there are different boiling points. Fractional distillation is when the mixture has multiple substances with similar boiling points, and a fractional column is used to create multiple vaporization/condensation cycles. Fractional distillation is important when two or more substances need to be separated, but they have similar boiling points.
crude oil allowed in at the bottom of the tower at a time so that the
The main objective of the distillation lab was to identify the composition of an unknown binary solution. The only known component is that the boiling point of the two components were at least 40˚C apart in boiling points. Due to the difference in boiling points, fractional distillation would be an easy way to determine the identity of each component of the binary solution. In the experiment, 30mL of the unknown binary solution was ran through the fractional distillation apparatus. As the solution boiled, gas from the unknown solution ran through the column, which had a temperature gradient to allow rapid and repeated distillations, and one of the components were isolated. By recording the temperature and amount of