
Transcendentalism Research Paper

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Throughout history of Literature, Dark Romanticism told vivid dark and gruesome answers that polarized the earthy, and beautifully organic questions of Transcendentalism. I’d like to raise the question that some others have asked: How are they different and alike? They are obviously as different as heroes and villains, but how else are they different besides the obvious.

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Transcendentalism is a literary movement that began in the 1820’s and 1830’s in east United States. It is a response or act of rebellion to the spiritual and intellectual in literature at the time. Skepticism and criticism of Hume, Herder and Schleiermacher, the philosophy …show more content…

Before it was taken in as a name for a philosophical movement, transcendentalist mean crazy or unreasonable. After the death of Margaret Fuller, the first female author to publish the first major feminist work in the United States and known transcendentalist, Ralph W. Emerson believed even more that the transcendent literary movement would soon die out. Even though he predicted that it would fade out, a second wave of new struggling transcendentalists arose. Authors Moncure Conway, Octavius Brooks Frothingham, Samuel Longfellow, Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, and the only wealthy author, Samuel Gray Ward were all dominant transcendentalists during this second wave of transcendentalism. A literary movement can’t go without some critics. Edgar Allan Poe, whom is the most popular dark romanticist, was their biggest critic. He even wrote a few works, voicing his disdain for the “so-called poetry of the so-called …show more content…

His parents, Elizabeth Arnold Poe and David Poe Jr., were both thespians. Sadly, his mother passed away from tuberculosis and his father skipped out on them early in Edgar’s life. Edgar moved to Richmond, Virginia because he was distant from his siblings. A tobacco merchant and his wife, John and Frances Valentine Allan took him in. Frances bonded with Edgar, but her husband was especially hard on him. By the young age of 13 years old, Edgar was an outstanding poet. Even though his talents in literature were true, John and Edgar’s headmaster didn’t agree with him becoming a poet. They thought he should help John with the family business and saw poetry as unprofitable. That didn’t discourage him too much because he still found a way to write poetry. In 1826, Edgar went to the University of Virginia and went through it with flying colors, except his family was struggling with funding his education. He tried to make ends meet by gambling, but that just put him into debt, giving him another problem. With his head held low, he went back home only to find out that his fiancé got engaged to another man, whom was his neighbor. After all this, Edgar moved to

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