Braveheart is a story of a Scottish warrior, William Wallace. Since William is a young boy, he has witnessed the death of his father and brother fighting with English. His maternal uncle comes to take him to his place and teach him the arts of war, educate him to read Latin and to speak other languages. After Many years William Wallace returns home with ideal personality and bold man. He searches his love that he left many years ago and found the love of his life. William wanted to stay harmoniously with his love, but there was a problem of “Prima Nocte a right to take all new brides for the first night.) King Edward I formulated for Scottish people. He secretly dates her and marries her. But the English gets suspicious of their relation, and …show more content…
He illustrates to be a great leader. He is an inspirational leader who uses transformational leadership concerned with emotions, values, ethics, and long-term goals. He shows the capability of a good leader, motivates and inspires his men to follow him into battle and fight the British with him. Braveheart displays transformational leadership through Wallace’s developing personal characteristics, the follower’s characteristics, and in which the movie took place. William Wallace’s personality are one of the main factors of his transformational leadership style. Such as idealized influence and inspirational motivational who act as a strong role model for followers. Willaim had a bold heart and was a great leader of men. Throughout the movie different characteristics would appear that showed what a great leader he was. First, Wallace was shown to have great verbal skills in the movie.(Northhouse page 191) William comes in front and inspires his men to fight against thousand of England army although they were a small group. For instance
Wallace: Yes! Fight, and you may die. Run, and you will live, at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here as young men and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take our
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He has a burning desire for freedom for his people. Every Man Dies, Not Every Man Really Lives.
~ William Wallace, Braveheart (1995).You may look at the outward appearance of a man, but that will never tell you about what is in his heart.There was a fire burning inside William Wallace for his men, and it was a burning desire for freedom.
Now tell me, what does that mean to be noble? Your title gives you claim to the throne of our country, but men don't follow titles, they follow courage. Now our people know you. Noble, and common, they respect you. And if you would just lead them to freedom, they'd follow you. And so would I.
~ William Wallace, Braveheart (1995).
Army perceived William confidence when Willaim told his army that some of us might die, but In the end, we would recover their freedom. They became more confident about victory as well. Other techniques Wallace used were being inspirational, motivational and patriotic. Before the war started, most of the troops were very uneasy and started to turn around and head home. Wallace came to the front of them, got their attention and made a very inspiring speech that fired them up and turned their attention back to the task at hand. A The Scottish army was ready to turn back and concede their freedom to the English. Wallace showed patriotism by painting his face blue for the Scottish
King Henry V prepares his army for battle with French by using reasonings to built his persuasiveness passionate speech to give them morale of to why they should invade France and is using persuasive elements such words that appeals to emotions to built up on his idea. King Henry is using pathos and ethos towards the army by appealing to their pride and ego and by making them feel stronger than they really are. In lines six King Henry quotes, “ Then imitate the action of tiger; Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood.” King Henry inspires them to take charge once more and win the battle. He stirs up their courage with fiey words kindling them to “imitate the action of the tiger”.
For another example “Nobody yet thought of any serious trouble.” It showed that the ride was going to give people trouble.. It gives you a realistic feeling about the titanic. Another quote is “but we did not give up.” It really shows bravery within him and that he will not give up until it's over. One other example is
Traditionally, analysis on roles for effective leadership surround corporate or military settings with clearly defined problems, discernable issues, and areas where hypothesis can be made, models formed, predictions tested, and outcomes verified. Analyzing a film like Seabiscuit for the roles of leadership present many interesting questions about leadership and what it means to be a leader. The film Seabiscuit chronicles the lives of individuals as they become intertwined to produce an outcome, training a horse to race. At what point do individuals stop seeing themselves, in their daily lives, as individuals and begin seeing themselves as members of groups having to take on leadership and
"And gentlemen in England now-a-bed /Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,/ And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks/ That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day." (Henry V, act IV -iii). By calling his army his brothers, he compares their dignity, honor and glory to that of a king. Henry is aware that they are few in number, but he proclaims the men as a noble and magnificent few.
The English gave the Scottish plenty of time to negotiate, but the Scottish, led by William Wallace, were prepared for battle. Well, actually, they were very out numbered, and could have easily lost this battle. Instead of winning by force, William Wallace was determined to outwit the English.
In the movie, Wallace is introduced to the audience as a common man with very humble beginnings whose father was a farmer. He was in fact not the son of a common farmer but the son of a low-level. Wallace first acted in anger against the English when he was insulted by the son of an English governor and proceeded to strike him dead and he began his military career. His military dream to free Scotland started in May 1297 after the murder of Marion Braidfoot who is the historical basis for the character Murron in Braveheart. Wallace won the battle of Stirling; he was kind of disappointed when he remembered that he had to fight the English king. The English king brought his army north. The English army had infantry and archers as well as over 3000 cavalry. The Scottish army was only half the size and had almost no cavalry. The Scottish army lost, Wallace however went into hiding. The film Braveheart makes the audience believe that Wallace went around killing his enemies in Scotland, there is however no historical evidence for this belief. Politics were beginning to change due to the manipulations of Edward I and even England’s enemies wouldn’t offer Wallace any help. After traveling to France, germane and Rome he returns to Scotland after almost years abroad to find out he was betrayed to the English by a Scottish noble named Sir John Menteith and was turned over to the English for a trial. He was then taken to for trial and execution. The film Braveheart is
Garreau emphasizes this scenario by quoting Faulkner’s famous saying that “man will prevail ‘because he has a soul, a spirit capable of passion and sacrifice and endurance’” (qtd. in 209).
The quote above personifies what type of person LT. Colonel Moore was. In today’s society you will rarely find individuals such as LTC. Hal Moore that exhibit those rare qualities of what a leader should be. In this essay I will describe some of the leadership qualities that are displayed in the movie We Were Soldiers. I will also discuss how the characteristics were portrayed, evaluate the success or lack of for each, apply a real life situation and explain how his leadership style affected those who followed.
6). The narrator was not looking forward to the battle due to not caring much for the other guys who would be fighting. Little did he know the other fighters would be the least of his worries, nor would they be the ones to prolong his opportunity to deliver his speech.
Before they fight, he delivers a speech to his people known as the St Crispin's Day Speech in which he encourages his men not to fear but be brave. He inspires his men with his words in the speech and stands tall in front of them to show that they can do it. His words of wisdom inspire his people to go into battle with confidence. It was through
Braveheart begins with a voice overcast giving background of William Wallace and his family. It takes place in 13th Century Scotland feuding with the ruthless English rule. As a boy, his brother and father are murdered in their efforts to free their country. Consequently, our hero, William Wallace, is placed under his learned uncle’s care where the audience does not meet him again until Wallace is a full grown adult returning to his now deteriorating childhood home. Upon his arrival, Wallace reunites with his true love and plans to farm the land he was forced to leave behind many years before. During this time, Wallace is approached by his father’s old fellow comrades and asked to join and fight for the Scot’s freedom.
At the head of her speech, Queen Elizabeth I instills a feeling of integrity in her soldiers by challenging their faithfulness and self-sacrifice in hopes of securing a victory. She begins by insisting that they “take heed how [they] commit [themselves] to armed
In Patrick Henry’s,“ Speech in the Virginia Convention,” he explains to the President as well as the government at the time on how a war with Britain is completely necessary in order to gain full independence for America. Henry uses a proud tone to inspire his audience, simple and complex sentence structure to convey straightforward details, patriotic and passionate diction to bring an uprising of emotion, and ethos to ethically support the main idea.
The country of Scotland was conquered following the death of Alexander III. With no heir to the throne, Scotland was easily captured and taken over by the King of England. The film Braveheart is an adaption of these historical events. In the film, the national identity of the Scottish people evolved in comparison from the beginning of the film to the end of it. There had always been a huge chasm between the different classes.
He had fought and won many battles for the freedom of Scotland and obviously knew what it meant to fight for his freedom. He was a legend in Scotland and was more of a myth than a man in many people’s eyes. In the beginning of the speech, a young soldier is interrupts Wallace in saying that William Wallace is 7 feet tall. Wallace sarcastically remarks back, “Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse” (Gibson). This statement proves that William was immortalized in the eyes of the Scottish through the mere fact that they thought all of these impossible things about him. This recognition and immortalization of Wallace caused extreme loyalty and admiration for him as a person and his cause. Therefor, Wallace was credible enough that people would listen to him and take his speech seriously. No one had lost more by the hands of the English than Wallace himself. He had lost his father, his wife, and the lives of many of his fellow brothers of Scotland through this war. If anyone had a reason to fight it would be