• The social worker feels that in transformational social work practice in the implications might come in when the client or family begin to stop accepting service. Furthermore, the greatest implication will be when the social worker will begin to venture into sectors he has not explore before, that being having one parent since the social worker grew up in a two parent household. Moreover, the social worker will need to understand the outcomes from the client’s perspective and not from the outlook of gathering information from readings which at times do not correlate with the lives of
For this paper, I have decided to research two social work theories and how those theories apply to residents in long term care facilities. The primary focus will be those residents who are alert, oriented, and showing minimal symptoms of dementia.
In this paper, the role of a social worker will be addressed. A Human Service professional has, in its hands, the responsibilities in the life of the clients and families they meet. The tremendous and arduous responsibilities they take on include, but are not limited to, the well-being and care of people and their communities. Such roles can be helping others manage the care of a family member, assisting individuals experiencing problems with family relations and conflicts, dealing with changes that come with growing old, aiding those suffering mental illness and or those individuals struggling with addictions. Briefly
This essay will identify a case I have been involved in and have continuously had to assess whilst on placement. It will refer to a child who will be identified as A. A is a young carer and has only recently returned home after being removed from his mothers care due to her having a substance abuse problem and mental health concerns. I will link the legal framework that was relevant to this case study and describe actions taken. Additionally these actions will demonstrate the application of social work methods and theories that were contributive elements in his intervention, offering explanations as to why these particular methods were used. Before closing, the essay will review any issues of discrimination with a reflection of the
The “Grand Challenges for Social Work” are important because they promote: the well-being of people and families, a strong social fabric, and a just society that fights exclusion and marginalization, creating a sense of belonging, promoting trust, and offers pathways for social and economic progress (“American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare”, 2017). The 12 Grand Challenges help continue the transformation of society through social work. As a social worker, you are put able to make changes in the lives of those who need help, and the presented issue needs help. As stated in the Preamble of the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers, “The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being
I will then list areas I have identified as my own personal weak points for further development.
This essay will focus on how contemporary social workers work to balance the competing demand of care and control. It will start by outlining the nature of the contemporary social work and what it is like and how it works within society. The discussion will then move on to look at and discuss the key professional values of social work practitioners and analyse its relationship to their own personal values, this will also bring into account how these values and views influenced the relationship a social worker can have with both service users and other agencies. Lastly it will explore the range of challenges and dilemmas that are faced by social work practitioners in everyday practice when it comes to trying to balance the demand of care and control and how they work to overcome these problems in order to ensure an effective and fair service to all who avail of it.
The difference of values between then and now is shocking especially how the “vulnerability of unwed mothers” was of lesser concern to the religious workers than, “saving souls, promoting moral ‘character’ and preventing future sexual transgressions” (pg. 262). It was insightful and inspiring to see the impact and reform the introduction of Social Work had after the First World War. How social workers shared the idea of promoting “two-parent, heterosexual, patriarchal family” (pg. 276), but in contrasted they conducted research, advocated for change in legislation and used the philosophy of “helping the applicant to help himself” (pg. 268). I feel that the philosophy of helping the clients themselves had a sufficient impact in changing procedures as its still used today.
I like your thesis statement. It is true to reform a program, jobs, but where by few employers are willing to hire them because of their criminal record they will end up right back to the prison. Like you said after they finished a person sentence and reintegrating back into to society get a job and make a living there will be less likely to go back to prison. Again finding a job will reduce overcrowded and save money for the state
When thinking about my core values and beliefs that underpin my social work practice framework the first value that comes to mind is human dignity and worth. I believe that all people are created equal and should be treated as such no matter their background or differences in beliefs. When working in this profession, I may come into contact with individuals who don’t agree with my own perspectives but this is something where I would be able to put my differences aside and work together towards a common goal. This aligns with multiple of the CSWE Advanced Social Work Practice in Trauma Standards including 2.1.5 “advance human rights and social and economic justice” (2012, p 9). Understanding that every person within the community has basic
Point out the way has rapid change to weakened social solidarity and institutions in the family
What is an intervention? An intervention is interposition or interference in the affairs of another to accomplish a goal or end (“Intervention,” 2012). There are numerous theories being used to help guide social work practice. There are also a number of different practice interventions associated with each of these theories. The purpose of this study is to be able to understand the social, emotional and behavioral needs of siblings of children with autism. The human behavior theories that have been selected to help guide this study are the systems theory and the social learning theory. There are different practice interventions related to each of these theories.
When working with children and families all engagement is based on a practice framework. This framework integrates research, theories, and ethics relevant to the field in order to achieve successful outcomes (Connolly, 2007). It is through this that social workers can be assured they are enlisting the use of beneficial, research based practices to best formulate assessments and interventions. This framework underpins interventions which endeavour to promote strength and resilience through positive parenting, child centred practice, and strong networks. It is these interventions which then result in the safety and wellbeing of the child.
My vision of the social work field is being able to help people in need and being the person that people can look back on and remember as a huge help in time of need. I think my core values and beliefs will help me be an effective social worker and help me succeed in this field. It is in my belief that a person should never be knocked down when they are going through hardships, and rather empowering them. I also believe that not everyone could be a social worker because it takes a certain kind of empathetic and self-aware person. I truly believe that my upbringing has humbled me to understand and not be judgmental of people’s issues since I’ve seen a lot in my short twenty-one years.
Community development (CD) has been playing an important role within the society as it is a critical practice that identifies and attempts to address unequal relations of power (Forde & Lynch, 2015). In CD, social capital is an important term as it refers to the networks and norms that enable collective action. In general, social capital is the level of trust between members within the community. Social workers need to understand and empower the social capital to strengthen the community through collective action based on the existing resources.
For this end of module assessment I will be looking at the case study of Safia Nazir, her husband Nazir Rashid and their 3 children Taqi, Asif and Amina who live in Scotland and have been bought to the attention of social services for various reasons. I will be demonstrating my understanding of what the social workers role would be in relation to this family, including the skills and knowledge needed to meet the family’s individual needs. The social worker in this case study is called Shona and what I have read of her and her initial steps to work with the family come across as appropriate and professional. I will go into more detail about Shona’s work and my understanding of her role later in the assignment and make potential comparisons or reflect on what I may or may not do differently. I will consider issues in relation to my personal and professional values and will also refer to policy and practice from English legislation; as this is my country of practice. I will be focusing on early intervention and the initial steps in social work, such as making contact, meeting and the initial assessment.