The meaning of the transformative paradigm is explained in four belief systems: axiology (ethics), ontology (reality), epistemology (knowledge), and methodology according to Mertens (2009). Furthermore, (Mertens, 2009) explains that axiology emphasizes human rights and social justice; ontology rejects cultural doctrine and acknowledges the impact and consequences of power and privilege in what is deemed real; epistemology advocates culturally competent relations between the researcher and community members; and methodology employs culturally
Ever wonder what caused the “Road to Revolution”? Basically the colonist wanted freedom from the British, but the British refused to give it to them. These are some of the acts that had to do with the “Road to Revolution”. The Navigation Acts of 1660, The French and Indian war, Pontiac’s Rebellion and Proclamation Act of 1763, The Sugar Act, The Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, Townsend Act, The Boston Massacre, The Boston Tea Party, and The Intolerable Act all played a huge part in causing and finishing the “Road to Revolution”. The first of the major events was The Navigation Act of 1660. Between 1650-1696 British passed many acts to limit trade from the colonist. It forbad the colonist to trade with any other than England. Later passed other acts
The four most important events that lead to the Road to Revolution are the Navigation Act, Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, and the Coercive Act. These events lead to the American Revolution mainly because the colonists disagreed with the acts and rebelled.
This paper summarizes the article written by Cam Caldwell, Rolf D. Dixon, Larry A. Floyd, Joe Chaudoin, Johnathan Post, and Gaynor Cheokas regarding the need for a new type of leadership in today’s social work environment, defined as Transformative leadership. The article itself varies in the definition, however in a broad sense Transformative leadership is maintaining good moral standing and sound business ethics among employees and individuals inside and outside the workplace. However, in order to reach this theoretical level of business related moral and ethical leadership known as
Exercise behavior is the study of theories which work to explain actions and phenomenon’s that occur when looking at peoples perspectives of exercise. One overall theory called The Transtheoretical model (TTM), includes elements from “across a variety of theories and models behavior, some of which are social-cognitive in nature and some of which are not” (79). The TTM describes five stages of behavior change: Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. By using TTM as the base of multiple theories, a greater picture of exercise behavior is created to understand how individuals become interested and continue to make a life style that involves normal exercise.
In our Art Appreciation class at RSU, during the fall semester, we watched a presentation on two artists. The artists were Vincent van Gogh and Don McLean. Our professor found the video on YouTube. The song “Vincent” by McLean played in the background, while a slideshow of van Gogh’s most famous works appeared on the screen. The song beautifully describes van Gogh’s life and work in a melancholy way. Because of the way the video was put together, it was almost like two artists talking to each other, though many years apart.
The epistemology and ontology together guide the researcher towards the type of research they will conduct, and in turn determine the type of methodology and methods of the research (Carter & Little, 2007).
In ancient times the Greeks believed every child was born with a daemon, a personal spirit guide and nature spirit that was the embodiment of the best person they could be . It is from the belief of the daemon born within everyone that the concept known as Eudemonia was created. Eudemonia is the philosophy of human well-being and happiness as well as Aristotle’s belief that it is a life of activity guided by reason. However, although what Aristotle says eudemonia is desirable it simply does not say anything at all.
Changing situations throughout the world affect all organizations in business today. Therefore, most organizations acknowledge the need to experience change and transformation in order to survive. The key challenges companies face are due to the advancements in technology, the social environment caused by globalization, the pace of competition, and the demands regarding customer expectations. It is difficult to overcome the obstacles involved with change despite all the articles, books, and publications devoted to the topic. People are naturally resistant to fundamental changes and often intimidated by the process; the old traditional patterns and methods are no longer effective.
Research paradigms are ‘the entire constellation of beliefs, values, techniques, and so on shared by members of a given community’ (Kuhn, 1970, p.175). The three most common paradigms are positivism, constructivism or interpretivism and pragmatism. Each of these can be categorised further by examining their: ontology, epistemology and methodology. Fundamentally, ontology is the nature of reality, epistemology describes the relationship the investigator has with their version of reality, and methodology is the various techniques and tools used to analysis their research.
Research methodology and methodological approaches that is, the structured process of conducting research and the overall concepts and theories which underpin research respectively (Bryman, 2008), occupy a central position in the research process as they are both shaped by and translate the researcher’s epistemological position. Epistemology then refers to a researcher’s philosophical stance about the nature, derivation and scope of knowledge (Gilbert, 2008). These positions are seldom ‘spelt out’ but rather understood in the matter of research methodology and approach (Sarantakos, 2005).
As Gioia and Chittipeddi (1991) assert in their study that interpretivism implies that the researcher must “be grounded” in the culture of the
Qualitative research is conducted in a natural setting and attempts to understand a human problem by developing a holistic narrative and reporting detailed views of informants about the culture of a problem. It forms a report with pictures and words. One of the most important distinctions that sets qualitative research apart from more traditional types of research is that qualitative research is holistic in that researchers study phenomena in their entirety rather than narrowing the focus to specific defined variables” (p. 93). Similarly, Cresswell (1984) indicated that qualitative research “is defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a natural setting” (p. 2). Cresswell’s definition clearly delineates the major characteristics of qualitative research. Pg. 50 (Smith & Davis, 2010).
Maxwell (2005) also notes that qualitative research can be used to address various issues and is not restricted to one ontological stance. The method also involves developing a relationship with the people one is studying, an aspect that is important in defining the authenticity of the data and determining the course of action.
Being able to lead a group or someone is a very powerful action. Being a leader in general is very powerful. Leadership is an art that is painted, sculpted, and displayed in all sorts of ways. There are many different styles of leadership that correspond with different tasks. From transformational leadership to laissez-faire leadership, there are various styles throughout the continuum. A transformational leader is one of the best, more successful leadership style. When going down the continuum, the leadership styles only become less effective. Everyone also falls in distinctive categories when it comes to leading others. The leadership style that is displayed depends on the person leading and those who are being led along with the task.
Living in a world where there is no guarantee of a safe tomorrow, where every breath we take is toxic and every morsel of food we eat is filled with pesticide, protecting and saving mother earth should top our to-do list. But sadly, this is the least of our concerns. We are at the tipping point, on the verge when we cannot go back and rectify our mistakes and if we delay any further, it’s going to be too late. There are questions we need to ask ourselves and the governments from time to time: Are our governments doing enough to protect our green? Are they pitching in enough money to save our environment? And if they are, is all the money put to its rightful use? Better coordination between governments and proper funding is required to