
Transformer 5 The Last Knight

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With Transformers 5: The Last Knight coming out next year, Autobot fans are getting anxious. Anxious to find out what Josh Duhamel and the rest of the gang are going to be up against. Which is why the cast of Michael Bay’s movie is going to be huge.

Aside from giving off a medieval vibe, Transformers 5: The Last Knight is also giving off an elite energy. With Josh Duhamel returning to the Transformers franchise as Lieutenant Colonel William Lennox, Mark Wahlberg thinks this is going to be good.

In the middle of this year, the movie starts its production in Cuba and in Detroit. Recently, Bumblebee is spotted cruising along the streets of London. But these guys are not the only ones in the movie. It looks like John Turturro and John Goodman are also going to return to the franchise. Talk about a reunion, cites Slash Film. …show more content…

After skipping the recent film, he is coming back. However, it is unknown if he is still going to aid the Autobots in their mission. And Turturro, who plays Agent Simmons in the first three movies is coming on board to reprise his role too. As well as Goodman to voice Hound.

This smells like it is going to be a big reunion for everybody. With new cast members coming in such as Anthony Hopkins and Laura Haddock, it looks like Bay’s final hurrah. Director Michael Bay did say that Transformers 5: The Last Knight is the fifth and final film he is going to direct. Which is most likely why he is rounding up big names from the Age of Extinction.

Tyrese Gibson and Stanley Tucci are also coming back. Gibson reprises his role as Robert Epps. He is on the Autobots’ side. While Tucci is coming back as Joshua Joyce. The guy responsible for Galvatron. If you look closely, it looks like everybody from the whole franchise since the first movie is in it. Except for Shia LaBeouf, that

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