With Transformers 5: The Last Knight coming out next year, Autobot fans are getting anxious. Anxious to find out what Josh Duhamel and the rest of the gang are going to be up against. Which is why the cast of Michael Bay’s movie is going to be huge.
Aside from giving off a medieval vibe, Transformers 5: The Last Knight is also giving off an elite energy. With Josh Duhamel returning to the Transformers franchise as Lieutenant Colonel William Lennox, Mark Wahlberg thinks this is going to be good.
In the middle of this year, the movie starts its production in Cuba and in Detroit. Recently, Bumblebee is spotted cruising along the streets of London. But these guys are not the only ones in the movie. It looks like John Turturro and John Goodman are also going to return to the franchise. Talk about a reunion, cites Slash Film.
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After skipping the recent film, he is coming back. However, it is unknown if he is still going to aid the Autobots in their mission. And Turturro, who plays Agent Simmons in the first three movies is coming on board to reprise his role too. As well as Goodman to voice Hound.
This smells like it is going to be a big reunion for everybody. With new cast members coming in such as Anthony Hopkins and Laura Haddock, it looks like Bay’s final hurrah. Director Michael Bay did say that Transformers 5: The Last Knight is the fifth and final film he is going to direct. Which is most likely why he is rounding up big names from the Age of Extinction.
Tyrese Gibson and Stanley Tucci are also coming back. Gibson reprises his role as Robert Epps. He is on the Autobots’ side. While Tucci is coming back as Joshua Joyce. The guy responsible for Galvatron. If you look closely, it looks like everybody from the whole franchise since the first movie is in it. Except for Shia LaBeouf, that
He is reportedly going to reprise 1 of his most famous roles Detective Marcus Burnett in “Bad Boys” which is currently in development.
Brad Pitt is producing the sequel with Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Ian Bryce and David Ellison. At the same time, Pitt will be returning to the venture and joining the sequel as the star.
Can’t wait for Wentworth Miller to come back? Meanwhile Jax and Stein stays put to repair the ship but finds an interesting secret within the ship. Watch out for the next Legends of Tomorrow season 2 to air this Thursday on the
The search for the new Han Solo continues, but it looks like Disney and Lucasfilm might already have a favorite on who could possibly take over Harrison Ford’s iconic Star Wars role. Although the studios have already narrowed down their list to only three contenders, there have been reports that Hail, Caesar! actor Alden Ehrenreich is proving to be better than Taron Egerton and Jack Reynor at embodying the young Millennium Falcon captain!
From around 500 to 300 B.C.E, in Ancient Greece, the area had many contributions to modern Western civilization. Ancient Greece influenced Western civilization politically and socially. Ancient Greece influenced Western civilization with the spread of democracy and impacted Western civilization socially with its style of architecture using columns and the ancient Olympics.
Fans who were able to see the last teasing credit scene at the end of the movie “Deadpool” were treated to a funny parody. It was a gag gig that promised to bring to the screens a bigger sequel. “Deadpool 2” is coming.
Sadly, Ridley Scott is not joining the Blade Runner sequel. In his place, Denis Villeneuve will be heading the film and of course, Harrison Ford returns to the Blade Runner scene as Deckard with Ryan Gosling in a new upcoming role with no further information as of yet. Production of the film will start in 2016.
And in August this year, Dwayne Johnson reveal that it will not a reboot but a continuation of the original film. Johnson, as people called him "The Rock", earlier signed to star the movie and said that the new film will honor Robin Williams. The Rock cannot hide his excitement as he shared some of the photos during their shoot in Hawaii.
Immigration has been a big issue Donald Trump has taken on as president. Trump has taken action against illegal immigration since the start of his presidency through the use of executive orders. Another issue that was a big deal on Trump’s agenda was better vetting for refugees coming from several Muslim majority countries, he used executive orders to enact this vetting which were short lived as they were blocked by the ninth circuit court. People often call Trump anti-Muslim for enacting policies for extreme vetting even though the countries he chose were chosen by former president Barack Obama and approved by congress, these countries usually contain high concentrations of anti-American Jihadist. Some people say Trump is abusing his powers with his use of executive orders, which is a direct order from the president that almost immediately becomes law without congress’s approval. Another topic of debate of Trump’s campaign and now presidency is his plan to build a wall along the border of America and Mexico to slow the entry of illegal immigrants crossing the border. A large argument against the wall is the fact that some people want to let illegal immigrants in to give them a better life even though they aren’t citizens and don’t pay any taxes while receiving government support. The support of non-taxpaying immigrants is also a large cost to the United
If someone says “transformer” I light up with excitement and joy. When I hear this word, I think of Autobots, Decepticons, awesome franchise, badass cars and other machinery, and more. My friend Caleb would probably think, “crappy movie, crappy director, crappy actors, and crappy franchise”. Others might think of electricity. Whenever I bring this franchise up with Caleb One co, it starts basically are only disagreement. He believes that they are all terrible while I am trying to defend each of the four movies and soon to be five. I always ask him, “how would make a movie about giant cars, trucks, military vehicles, and anything that runs on electricity any better?” I never get an actual answer because he says that he would not make these movies. I find it funny how we enjoy superheroes, Star Wars, him more than me however, and similar political beliefs, but we can’t get along with this franchise. Michael Bay and Paramount Pictures are making a new Transformers called Transformers: The Last Knight, and I told him in October/November that the new trailer was released, but all he could say was “I don’t care.” I
The dream is going to get real. One of the best cult movies of its own time, Bill & Ted 3 is going to get another sequel.
Transformers 4 : Age of Extinction is a motion picture about robots that turn into dinosaurs and a weapon that makes people explode, freeze and burst into flames all at the same time. Released in June 24th, 2014, this science fiction adventure is the sequel to the box office hit, Transformers (2007), Transformers 2 : Revenge of the Fallen, and Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon. All tells about robots (Autobots) who try to protect the Earth from antagonist robots Decepticon (Megatron).
According to lead actor Taron Egerton, who is coming back to reprise his role as Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, this sequels' villain is totally awesome. The actor said, "With Kingsman [2], we're shooting in the summer at present. There's a script, it's brilliant. Obviously, there's only so much I can say but what I can say is that we shot [the first] one all in the U.K., that won't be the case with the next one. It's a far more international story, we're going to some incredible places, and we have a villain to rival Samuel L. Jackson-this new one is so brilliantly written I wish I could play it. It's amazing." as he was talking to Collider at Sundance.
The value of the movie “Transformers” created by Hasbro and directed by Michael Bay, is one of the most exhilarating and action packed movie of its time. It’s a movie about how a human joins forces with a group of robots to fight off the other bad robots trying to take over the human’s planet. Throughout this movie it is very action packed and couldn’t grab the audience’s attention more than any other movie could to anyone who loves action movies. This movie presents such a different perspective towards action movies that no one has ever seen in an action movie produced by Michael Bay. This director is known for having various explosion’s and action scenes throughout all of his movies that he has created. Furthermore making the movie transformers one of the best action movies he has ever created.
It is set to be a movie adaptation instead. Fox prepares a two hour special to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the cult classic. The creators of the film plans to stick to the original while making sure it has a modern twist to it. With Kenny Ortega to produce and choreograph the scenes. Ortega’s portfolio includes High School Musical (the trilogy), Hocus Pocus and