Stereotypes come and go, people's mindsets change, and what is considered to be “socially acceptable” often changes just as quickly. Due to such a constant stir, opposing opinions rise to the surface frequently so that all opinions can be expressed. As the type of mindset or people's idea of what is “acceptable” becomes more influential and widespread, people's opinions become stronger and more inflated. Most recently, the controversy surrounding transgender related arguments is likely to be front and center on many well known news reports or TV broadcasts. More specifically, it has been argued whether or not it should be deemed necessary to provide proper medical care for those wishing to have a trans gender operation. Although in my personal …show more content…
This type of feeling like you don't belong in your own body is something on one should have to go through. Yet, people are constantly suffering through this traumatic experience. To express how unfortunate this may be The editorial Board possessed a strong diction throughout the piece using words such as “distraught”, “barriers”, and “sobering” along with many others to express how unimaginable hard this can be to live with. Overall, this is one of three argumentative appeals called logos. The authors tries to prove the negligence of being denied proper medical treatment to transgenders through compelling word choice. She does this partially because this is one experience that can't be easily shown to those lucky enough not to have this unfortunate “condition”. In other words, you can't make a person a transgender to explain what people who are trans have to go through. Because of this, the words the author uses is her main source of power to indirectly show the audience how difficult it must be. Certain words draw the audience in and allows them to feel what actions can’t, which is close as the author could can get to showing how much of a struggle this can
In a recent podcast regarding a transgender high school student being forced to change in the nurse’s office instead of in the locker room with other students addressed the controversy regarding the treatment of members of our society who identify as LGBTQ. Throughout the podcast, multiple individuals have voiced support for the school’s decision to isolate the transgender student when changing. Do to the opinions voiced in the podcast regarding this case, I realized that the treatment of the high school student is only one example of the existing discrimination towards those who identify as LGBTQ. As such, I intend to explore the controversy of LGBTQ and our obligations that we have as members of the same society. Throughout this paper, I
The purpose of this paper and the research therein is to explore the concepts of discrimination towards a particular group of individuals-transgender individuals. The reasoning associated with this is due to the increasing rates of discrimination and the multiple facets thereof associated with this particular group of people. The articles being used (five in total) provide an introspective point considering the negative impact associated with discrimination against transgender individuals and the resulting effects towards not only themselves, but also their relationships, their mental health; and their
Recently, there has been a lot of discussion regarding the concept of "transracial" and how it compares to "transgender". Specifically, many are comparing Rachel Dolezal to Caitlyn Jenner, asking why the former is being trashed by media while the latter is praised. While I am white and cishetero, and it may not be my place to make an argument regarding this issue, I have heard many excellent points made my my friends of color and friends who are trans* that I do like to bring up when friends or family are making these comments. / / The first of which is that transracial has existed before Rachel Dolezal - but to describe children in foster and adoptive situations where their family is a different race than they are, and the way they 'act'
The fact that the discrimination is being brought into the medical setting seems quite unflattering. Although medical personnel had years of schooling under their belt I feel as though cultural education hasn’t been taught enough. Being able to further educate medical personnel about cultural differences such as transgender persons gives them an insight of what and how to treat patients fairly. You can’t force people to think the “right” way or do the “right” thing. But further cultural education will give an insight of the struggles to be a transgender person in America. The medical setting should be the last place where transgender person should be discriminated and the ignorance barrier should be
Coming out as a transgender, identifying with a gender expression that differs from the assigned sex, has proven to be quite difficult through the ages. While the acceptance of transgender people has grown significantly higher throughout the years, people’s stance on them are still quite divided, and the uphill battle for transgender rights has proven this. Just giving transgenders the right to simply go to the bathroom they identify with has shown to be controversial according to the TIME cover Battle of the Bathroom. The TIME magazine makes sure to note the problem defiantly “far more than public facilities” (Scherer par. 9). Transgender rights are a problem that Jamison Green, president for World Professional Association for Transgender Health, thoroughly addresses in a report written by Alan Greenblatt for CQ Researcher. Jamison Green’s specific purpose in that report is to justify why transgender people deserve basic human rights like everybody else, as shown in society, through his use of facts, qualifiers, figurative language, counterarguments, and appeals to logic and values.
Currently the dispute has given rise to two dichotomous (and therefore co-constitutive) factions within the transgender community: the “true transsexuals” (also known by the sometimes derogative “truscums” or “transmedicalists”) and the queer-theory/social-approach minded “tucutes”. The former ideology understands transgenderism primarily through the transsexual standpoint as pivoting on a profound biological/psychological disorientation that can only be remedied through medical intervention; conversely, the latter claims that given that gender is contingent on exterior social indexes, changeable external influences such as culture, and internal understandings relevant to the individual alone, it can only be described through a framework of liminal
I have chosen a point focused on the subject that is becoming a big argument for America today, transgender. Transgender has become a very big impact on todays society because it has many worrying about who goes in what restroom, who is having their parts taken away, and who is adding parts to their bodies. I pick two males that turned themselves into beautiful women. One person I picked was Bruce Jenner and the other male was Laverne Cox. I chose Bruce because he was one celebrity that made millions a little bit concern because he is a an gold metal Olympian, a older college football player, and is now really known because of the show, The Kardashians. I also picked Laverne Cox, because he is in one popular, yet my favorite show called Orange
His mother holds up another dress, remarking on how cute it is and handing it to him to try on. She ignores the uncomfortable look on his face and tells him to hurry up. He sits in the dressing room in silence, looking at himself in the mirror, the dress hanging on a hook beside him. He furrows his brows, covers his chest with his arms, and stares at the face looking back at him. It doesn’t look right, he thinks, trying not to cry. All his life he had been called “she” and “girl” and it never felt right. No one told him it was okay to feel this way when he brought it up, instead yelling at him, telling him he was just confused. It made him sick, pretending to be a girl, but no one listened or cared. Due to the many misconceptions about them, transgender people face harmful discrimination, whether being told their feelings are invalid, that there is no such thing, or being killed for who they are. Identifying as a gender other than the one you are assigned at birth is seen as unnatural in a world ruled by a rigid gender binary, so understanding transgender people’s experiences is necessary for a safe life for them.
Both articles were found on the internet, and although they were produced for a audience, it was accessible to all and all written last year, 2016. The similarities I would like to discuss within the topic can be broken out into two sections. First, each article used the emotion to drive the reader to a conclusion. They accomplished this by using colorful language to draw the reader in. Each article used emotion, and together whichever side the article was on played off the same emotion. Reading the articles that stated that Transgender is a mental illness used invoked the emotion of fear within its writings. For those articles on the other side, the authors used language that would invoke empathy for the transgender people. An example of
The paper studies the attitudes of heterosexual adult population towards transgender people, while simultaneously clarifying exactly why there exists some hostility towards homosexuals, both in the United States of America. The paper puts across the statement that the word itself (Transgender) is now largely used to factor out groups of people who apparently communicate expressions and qualities relating to both genders, not just their own. This description given by Stryker is frequently used to label people who have, using their characteristics and actions, “crossed over”(p. 251) or switched between society-created gender norms. The modern world, as a result of this, tackles the phrase with unfriendliness, even hostility, since they feel susceptible of its non-conformity. This view more than often stems from the belief that said non-conformity can be harmful for the society as a whole. The paper further states that the US medical and psychiatric professionals believed transsexuals, for a large part of history, to be “severely neurotic” or mentally ill with a disease or dysfunction in the functioning of the brain. It wouldn’t be wrong to assume that transsexuals have faced adversities and difficulties in other parts of the world too like Hong Kong, Sweden, United Kingdom, and etc. solely because of their identities. In my opinion, trans-genders will continually face
Something so controversial like the subject of abortions and women’s reproductive rights will always be an issue to feminists, because even though there has been several movements and improvements in the subjects, it still remains highly debated. One reason why feminists believe they still have to protest this is because in some places it’s still illegal. Ireland for example, it’s illegal in all cases, even when mother’s life at danger. (Harris) Another reason feminists think they have to fight for their reproductive rights is because regardless of the growth and acceptance of society, it is still something that is typically frowned upon and some people feel uncomfortable talking about. There has been openings of clinics in Winnipeg and Toronto,
One out-group of mine is the community of people who are transgender. I do not identify with this community. In the United States, this group has expanded over recent years. Transgender people go through a lot of discrimination in the United States. There are many negative stereotypes and prejudices that are associated with this group. There are many people who are supportive of this community, but there are also many people who are not supportive.
The definition of uncomfortable, per, is causing or feeling or awkwardness. The definition of unsafe, per, is possible to cause harm or injury. The definitions of uncomfortable and unsafe are similar in some ways and are simply confused with each other, especially in cultivation. The major variance between the two words are physical pain is present in unsafe. Transgender is not new, the rights of transgender people is what is new to society, particularly in America. Recently the debt for gender natural bathrooms and if transgender people should be allowed to use the restroom of their preference.
It's easy for people to hate what they don't understand. Imagine if you were learning how to play the guitar, and no matter how many times you practice and study the right chords, you just can't seem to grasp the concept, and there is nothing wrong with that. Plenty of people happen to have this mindset when it comes to transgender people. There is this constant debate concerning transgender men and women and their rights. In some cases, they are expected to abide by certain requirements in order to full change their gender and aren't granted the right to use the bathroom based on their gender identity.
Transgenders face discrimination throughout all areas of their life including their decisions to serve in the United States Military. Transgender citizens should face no limitations when they serve as a part of the military because the budget contains the money necessary to provide the services they need, it would not affect the unit readiness, and it is unfair to not provide an equal opportunity for them.