The organization provides therapeutic residential treatment to veterans and others, who are subjected to drug addiction, are homeless or have been driven to poverty. There are many ways to help and support veterans who have served for our country and on their return, from war torn countries, have either fallen on difficult times or suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and turn towards drugs or even take steps that are fatal to themselves, others or even their family members. We can provide services to the residents by helping them in their ordeal while educating them on legal matters. Some do fall into situations where they themselves or their families are unable to hire lawyers or go to court due to expenses. In such situations
Substance abuse among our veterans is much greater than our civilian populations. This is largely caused by post-traumatic stress disorder, associated from combat, and who have endured multiple deployments. In most cases, veterans who have turned to alcohol or drugs have a dual diagnosis. They not only have a problem with alcohol or drugs, but they also suffer from a mental or mood disorder that has a major impact on these issues. In most cases the mood disorder is post-traumatic disorder(PTSD), which results from being in combat. According to
A 24-year-olds bladder bursted after he was drinking a lot of alcohol and then jumped in the water. They said it was like dropping a balloon on the ground, because his stomach was fun and it exploded. He went to the doctor a few days later complaining about pains.he couldn't use the bathroom himself, so they had to stick a catheter in his bladder, blood and urine came out. He had a CT scan, and surgeons operated on his abdomens.
Both PTSD and substance abuse in Veterans not only affects themselves, but it also affects their families and communities (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2017). The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2017) states that there are 3.1 million immediate family members to the veterans in the United States (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2017). These family members can potentially suffer from second-hand trauma symptoms (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2017). The U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S Department of Veteran’s Affairs both offer care that veterans and their families are eligible for, but a substantial number of veterans and their
While drugs and alcohol are detrimental to so many, there are several veteran substance abuse programs available to help former service members, including VA addiction treatment and private substance abuse centers. Veterans’ families suffer tremendously as a result of dealing with addiction and mental health issues, but they also have a big role in the detection, treatment, and recovery of veterans.
An interesting case I read up on after class was the disagreement about the transgender student at the largest high school district in Illinois against the federal authorities. The transgender student, born as a male, but identifying as a female is suing the high school district 211 in Palatine, the suburbs of Chicago because the student was denied the rights to shower in the female bathroom. The student identified as a female and is allowed to play on the girls sport team for several years, but now demands full access to the girls locker room.
Grossman, Arnold H. Anthony R. D’Augelli. “Transgender Youth: Invisible and Vulnerable.” Journal of Homosexuality. Vol. 51, No. 1 (2006): pages 111-128. Web. 25 June 2015. Arnold H. Grossman, a professor of Applied Psychology at New York University, and Anthony R. D’Augelli, professor of Human Development at Pennsylvania State University, did a study of Transgender youth from ages 15 to 21. The study was designed to determine the factors that affect the youth, who either identify as transgender or their gender does not fit the normal gender descriptions. Focus groups were used as nonthreatening environment to examine the youths’ social and emotional experiences. The study not only provided insight on their emotional and social experiences but
Stresses the importance of transparent and impartial report of all the member states within a fixed deadline and make sure the government works for the well-being of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender community throughout the state;
It wasn't until Walter sought help from the Liberty Counsel that he was finally successful, by circumventing the court system entirely. Through them, he had learned that California’s transgender law no longer requires court orders to change gender designations on driver’s licenses, social security cards, birth certificates, or passports. Matt Staver, president of Liberty Council, argued that Walter was denied his request to have his birth certificate reverted to its original gender because activist judges in California were more concerned about upholding an ideology that promotes gender confusion.
Our nation is facing a pressing issue that no one can find an adequate answer to. How do we deal with the many problems that are faced when dealing with transgender individuals? These people have somehow snuck their way into our schools, workplaces, military, and public restrooms. They should be condemned for the actions that they take against us when they argue how we should treat them.
Substance abuse (alcoholism and addiction) and depression are other common factors that lead veterans to become homeless today (Goldstein, Luther, Haas, Appelt, & Gordon, 2010). Many who are dealing with depression or PTSD will turn to alcohol or to another substance drug to try to get relief or an escape from the mental illness they are facing. Veterans that are exposed to high combat while serving are at higher risks in using alcohol or other substances. Veterans have admitted to miss using alcohol from suffering from PTSD or depression or from both disorders (Helternes, Clouser, MacGreogor, Normari, & Galarneau, 2014). Veterans that are dependent on alcohol, who have higher triggers with PTSD, also have a higher desire
To really discuss the history of the transgender population, perhaps first it is important to define what exactly ‘transgender’ is. In a poll conducted by transgender activist Leslie Feinberg, the transgender population seems to define itself as a group of individuals comprised of anyone “who challenges the boundaries of sex and gender”. The transgender umbrella, according to Feinberg, includes: transsexuals, transvestites, bigenders, drag queens, drag kings, cross-dressers, masculine women, feminine men, intersexuals, passing men and women, and androgynes. With this definition of transgender in mind, transgender individuals throughout history have served as both religious figures and leaders in the entertainment industry, playing key roles
Continuous Spinal Anesthesia Versus Continuous Epidural Anesthesia in Elderly High Risk Patients Undergoing Major orthopedic Lower Limb Surgeries
This case study is about Odyssey Systems Integrators Limited (OSIL) and SinoSecurities, which is a joint venture between the Chinese government and a Taiwanese personal computer manufacturer TIL. TIL owned the majority stake in the joint venture. “TIL wanted to use SinoSecurities as a springboard to sell hardware and establish itself as an IT service provider” (McFarlen, 2001). Paul Yang was the project manager for OSIL. The objective of the project is “the development of an electronic transaction gateway interfacing with Shenzhen’s stock exchange that would enable domestic accountholders to trade securities over the Internet through online accounts with local banks” (McFarlan, 2001).
In the first scenario, I think it is important to be as open and supportive in regards to the transgendered teacher. The employee’s gender identity does not have any reflection on his job performance or work ethic. Thus, if Jay has taught at the university for five years without issue, his gender identification should not change the fact that he has been a good employee. As the Dean, I would treat all of my employees fairly and evaluate them based on their work performance, not on their gender identity. Foremost, I would research the laws in my state concerning the legalities of transgendered employees. The laws are ever changing and it is imperative that all businesses stay up-to-date on the legal precedence. After I had gathered my
Technology is inevitable in that man has always sought to improve life and/or make certain tasks simpler or less labor intensive. It (technology) is also unpredictable, while we may be able to look and see what is on the horizon is respect to current developments, we cannot say for sure what direction they will take or how new high-tech items will be used, or what will come after that.