Have you ever heard about Caitlyn jenner(a famous transgender). Do you know what it feels like to be a transgender. So many people are against you. My three reasons are it will help decrease bullying, being proactive on this issue, transgenders have long existed.
The first reason it is absolutely critical that schools help transgenders is there will be less bullying.Critics will argue that schools are not the place to help transgender students.However, it is absolutely important that schools help transgender students to decrease bullying.For example,according to advocate.com, bullying prevention needs to be taught in schools due to an increase in trans-youth suicide.Such as Cameron Langrell, 15, faced incessant bullying at Harlick High School
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says “The biggest challenge for these kids often is what happens to them at school and at home,”Providing even a staff member to listen, and give guidance with this difficult issue could mean a world of difference.Adkins says that schools learning to handle this sensitive subject could mean the difference between life and death.Adkins told CBS North Carolina at least 40 percent of transgender youth will attempt to commit suicide at some point.With numbers like that, it’s easy to see why schools providing both social and mental for trans youth is so important.The help should be for not only the transgender students, but their classmates also.“Their peers may not have known that they were transgender before that, so they’re outing themselves just going to the bathroom,” said Dr. Adkins. “If they go to the bathroom that matches their gender identity, then they’re breaking the law. So, they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place if they need to go to the restroom.”While it’s obvious that the schools providing an outlet for the trans youth students is important, its just as important that there be help for their peers as well, as this is a matter that affects them all.To Sumarize,It is of vital Importance that schools provide trans students (as well as their peers) the type of guidance, and metal help that is needed for all to co exist and succeed in a classroom
Not for an evanescent second should a single child/teen be judged,bullied,or ignored due to their sexallity or gender idenification. In every school the students should never feel unsafe, if they do it means that they won’t focus and they might not even show up. LGBT youth should be treated the same as their peers, to do so is to show acceptance and safety. This school year the Smithville High school created a new club appropriately titled “The Gay Straight Alliance”. Showing students that Smithville High School is an open minded and accepting place even though it might not always seem like it. Clubs such as this are allowing for all types of students to join forces and better their experience. It’s clubs and movements like this that should be spread across the nation as it will better the country and show those around the world that they can be wholeheartedly free. Although there are schools showing support it is still an issue in public settings such as stores. The biggest “issue” is bathrooms, should transgender people use the bathroom of their biological gender or the one they identify by? It’s honestly stupid of people to try arguing about a person's right to use a public porcelain bowl that holds water. The bathrooms in stores are public property not private, therefore, if a male to female or female to male trans human being wants to use the bathroom of their choice the they
Topics concerning transgender can be very overwhelming for some. When one thinks of the term transgender, one may think of the process of an individual identifying as the opposite sex. The opposite sex of what he or she was born as. For some, this may involve undergoing surgical procedures or taken hormonal medications to fulfill their desire. However, when thinking of this process, one automatically thinks of transgender adults. This is rarely a topic that one would assume would be racing through the minds of young children, but in fact it is. More children today than ever, are either speaking out about their identity concerns, or displaying it in their lives. In fact, according to Date Line NBC, “The handful of American doctors who specialize
People who identify as transgender need visibility in society so people can get educated on the matter and they can get what they need.
They deserve to feel safe in school, be protected from physical harm, and use the bathroom of their choice. The progress to giving them the liberties they yearn for, however, is slowed by the naive human beings that compose our society. Our country is filled with people that view themselves as kind, forgiving and welcoming, but they do not fight for what is right. Because our population is trapped in a utopian version of humanity, we cannot promote righteousness. Nevertheless, transgender students need us see the legitimate nature of civilization. In order for our world to match our currently inaccurate picture of life, we need to step out of our distorted reality. Since transgender students constantly face discrimination and violence, it is urgent that we create laws that specifically outline the freedoms belonging to transgender students, instead of mimicking the vague list of rights already part of federal law. With definitive legislation, we can effectively implement change. By making laws regarding the rights of transgender students, and then rigorously administering those rulings, we can change the way our society treats transgender students, and dramatically increase their quality of
In the documentary, Noah, an 18 year old male to female transgender, many people in school ask question about her gender over and over again. Because of the harassment, many tend to drop out from school. “Harassment and bullying lead almost one-third of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning) students to drop out of high school” (T Salazar). For most of them dropping out from school means working at a lower wage. Or even worse they became homeless. Some people argue that we should create a separate school of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students. However critics say that it means of “segregation or shielding the youth from the real world.” Giving a class about LGBT people in schools might be the solution, since students then will be aware of it. Education about LGBT people teaches not only students, but also the whole generation. Therefore, schools should be the primary targets to teach the society about LGBT
Luna LeFort is a young, born male, transgender/gender-fluid that came out to his parents at the age of sixteen. LeFort presents as a female fifty percent of the time and male the other half, and depending on what gender LeFort is that day depends on what washroom they use. LeFort feels that transgenders should be able to use the bathroom they identify with and shouldn’t be scared to. On top of this life story, there is a shocking statistic that shocks most. According to theglobeandmail.com, eighty-seven percent of transgender teens don’t feel safe in school washrooms, changing room, and hallways. While two in five say they have been physically harassed, eight out of ten say they have been verbally harassed. Transgender adolescents share their stories of society is a pressure to them.
Transgender LGB and transgender students face discrimination and harassment at school all too often. Unfortunately, many schools officials know very little about how law requires then protect LGBT students. “Don’t be ashamed of your story it just might inspire someone else” 15% of trans people live poverty. Bottom surgery : surgery on the genitals to align the physical body to gender identity and expression.
Did you know that more than 50% of transgender minors have admitted to attempting suicide? How about that 82% of transgender youth feel unsafe or scared at school? These statistics are high, too high. Transgender is defined as of, relating to, or being a person who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that differs from the one which corresponds to the person's sex at birth, according to the Merriam Webster dictionary. Years ago it was considered bad to be transgender, but our society has become more open-minded, leading to the coming outs of many more transgender minors. However, while it seems as though we are more open-minded, transgender youth are still being mistreated, to a point where suicide sometimes seems like the only good
As quoted by Ellen Wittlinger, “you can only lie about who you are for so long before you go crazy.” As a member of the transgender community, this is the reality for my nephew, Riley, who now sufferers with extreme bullying simply because he wants to be himself, a boy. Through his transition, I have stood by Riley and have witnessed first hand the potentially fatal hate that he has been attacked with. Why does our society continuously contradict itself by saying “be yourself”, and then shun those who do? As Americans, we value individualism; therefore, we should stress the need for teaching awareness about the LGBTQ community. By seeing the hardships that my nephew has had to endure, I have become a much more compassionate to other and am
Some of the solutions of the challenges school might face as they implement is that try to make the school just a safe community and try to stop the discrimination that trans kids face in school. Another solution is to make sure people are educated on trans issues and even if you are uncomfortable you can at least respect them. The opposition they may face is that many parents can be closed-minded and may not allow their children into the restrooms or let them be friends with each other. Many students may also have this type of ideology and also harass trans students. This can also come into sports teams. Many of students may object to have a trans kids,no matter how talented they are, just because they are "different". Also the parents of
The LGBT society have always been on the lower end of the scale when it comes to respect and fairness. As humans we should see each other for the person we are and the actions that are condoned by oneself, not by who we choose to have intimate relations with. Since some of our leaders such as our president can’t see past someone sexualtity, and instead see their bravery and courage we have implemented a ban on our fellow trans from joining our military. Kids go through plenty of struggles in school, but being a trans kid you are taking the biggest step in your life at a very earlier age, which is finding who you are. Most trans don't have the strength yet and the confidence at such a young age to be who they want to be, but when they do most aren’t accepted with opens arm in society it’s more of a wall that is painted with judgement and violence. The transgender community have had to deal with many social injustices, but in the 21st century there is hope for change.
Everyday people experience discrimination over things like race, sex, and beliefs. Discrimination has become a part of the American culture. The most recent issue is Transgenders and their battle in court over the bathroom bill. The bathroom bill is a bill that may or may not is passed by the supreme court, This bill would grant Transgenders the right to use the bathroom of their choice because it can cause a threat to men, women, and children who do use the bathroom that is listed on their birth certificate, however the fact still remains that transgender should have just as much freedom to use the bathroom of choice as other regular human beings.
It’s very likely that LGBTQ youth are not able to get the help in school which causes them to have low self-esteem, not show up to school, and even engage in risky behavior. School psychologists must provide services for their entire student body and that includes youth apart of the LGBTQ community. Regardless of what their beliefs are it’s important that they give LGBTQ youth the support that they need and also help them work towards a positive identity while going the process of coming out. To assist LGBTQ youth with the decision of coming out, school therapists must create an environment that is conducive to trust, provide resources that will educate and foster empathy, and great care must be given to the type of therapy.
You made a good point. School counselors need to be aware of their own biases. I will admit that I was biased against a student who was transgender. It wasn’t so much that she was transgender it was mainly that she was 6 and I couldn’t understand how a 6 year old could make such a huge decision. I believe I mentioned in my post that the reason why LGBT people get bullied and harassed is because people don’t understand. Also sexuality is something that is not really talked about unless its talked about in a heterosexual manner. It is time that we start talking sexuality and gender in all forms. Once we really start talking about it I believe it the bullying and harassment will slowly end. Being knowledgeable in special education law is important.
(Kenneth Merrell, 2012) Because the population of transgender students is so small, many professionals neglect to research and study the physical and emotional challenges of transgender students (many of whom remain hidden out of fear of rejection). Transgender students live in a world where they are made to feel isolated and rejected by their peers and society. Being African-American, I know that our culture doesn’t readily accept transgender people and we frown upon and ridicule a parent who allows their child to choose a different gender. When the situation arises where someone in our culture chooses to openly change genders we believe that it is a condition that will either pass or can be prayed away. This way of thinking forces our children’s worldview to be rooted in shame and embarrassment and they begin to feel “trapped in the wrong body” with no way out and no one to talk to. Their individual identity is questioned because they do not feel a part of any specific culture. Knowing that through the acknowledgement of a student’s identity, a school psychologist can avoid stereotyping them or approaching them in a stereotypical way, (Kenneth Merrell, 2012), it is important for transgender students to form a solid personal identity. However, so many transgender students feel like they don’t belong to any group of people and this is part of the reason why