
Transition In Early Childhood Education

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Whether it is starting Kindergarten or moving on to mid-dle and high school, transitions are important times in a child’s life. Two non-cognitive indicators receiving FRYSCs’ focus are dropout prevention and suc-cessful transition to adult life. These are ad-dressed by FRYSC under the goal of the Youth Services Center (YSC) component Career Exploration and Devel-opment. The goal of the component is to promote col-lege and career readiness for all students by help-ing to prepare them for future employment and success-ful transition into adult life through collaboration with school and community resources.
YSCs coordinate many activities that relate to this com-ponent such as: college and career fairs, college visits, service learning activities, …show more content…

With increasing administra-tive and teaching responsibilities, school staff had little time to find community services that would help an in-dividual student or to find community programs to aug-ment classroom curriculum. Diminishing family involve-ment and communication with parents were additional challenges. With the advent of the FRYSC program, schools now have someone in a unique, flexible role who can build and nurture those family and community partnerships. To help in this task, every Family Re-source Center or Youth Services Center has an advisory council made up of parent, community and school rep-resentatives, thus ensuring that FRYSCs will always be linked to each one of …show more content…

Center staff become familiar with their community’s resources, thus they are the ones in the school best able to help families address non-cognitive issues that affect student learning. FRYSCs work with state and private agencies, business-es, civic clubs, charitable organi-zations and the faith community to be the link between a school and its community. To avoid du-plication, FRYSCs work closely with their community partners for pro-gram and service planning. This collaboration not only helps centers meet student and family needs, but also helps to complement classroom learning with programs such as af-ter school and summer program-ming, family literacy events, pre-ventive health and substance abuse education, career exploration and

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