Finally, you have reached the point in your life where you transition into high school. This is where puberty hits, drama ignites, and classes actually require you to think. It is also a time for Friday night football games and of course the most magical time of the year, prom. High school has a lot of great opportunities to take advantage of, but if not handled with great care, it can create the worst four years of your life. Some are known to refer to high school as their four year sentence in purgatory, I hope your experience is more delightful.
Let’s get one thing straight, the high school you see in movies doesn’t exist. There are no flash mobs who break out in song and it is not populated with only the hottest of guys and girls. Also,
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Being in such a vast school allows students to become caught up in the crowd. You can end up adopting a personality that is not your own just to fit in. I have learned that this is more so true for girls rather than guys. From a girl's perspective, I can honestly tell you that I have fallen victim to the incessant need of fitting it. As girls we are more inclined to judge ourselves against those around us from magazines, movies, and especially in school. Do not try stupid stunts, a.k.a the Kylie Jenner lip challenge, just so you can look like your friends. Always be happy with who you are. It is almost impossible to stay true to yourself throughout it all, eventually your strength may falter, but it will not make you less of a person. Some people feel that conforming is a choice, and that it you are fake if you change to fit in. But everyone in their lifetime has made that very choice to fit in. Almost all women wear makeup, dress nice, and want expensive items because it is just another way to conform. These are all choices we make to assimilate into the larger group. The next time you witness someone acting in their own way or wearing unusual clothing that fits their personality, just remember that they have reached the ultimate goal of being true to who they are and have conquered the superficial expectations of the high school …show more content…
Horrible things can exist during your time there, especially pimples. If tamed, well kept, and understood, high school can be amazing. Sadly though, most of you will fall prey to changing your identity in order to be liked. What matters most is your ability to realize it, and one day gain the strength to overcome it. Nobody is perfect and neither is high school, but high school truly does have many great things to offer and you should never be too quick to judge. I’m giving you the real truth, most students if asked would simply reply that high school “sucks”. It is ultimately up to you to decide what high school really is and until you have finally become a senior, give it the chance it
High school High school is a very crucial part of everybody’s life filled with many learning moments and also times that most would like to never redo. This being said we all go through this time and we can all relate to the stereotypes that come along with high school. Some were on the top and others were on the bottom, but everyone had their specific place.
From happy moments to sad moments, from having the best time to falling asleep in class. Middle school was also a place for change. As Robin Sharma once stated, “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” High school will definitely bring many changes in our lives. At first, everything may be difficult but, as each year goes by you will quickly realize that you are capable of handling it because, you know at the end of the day everything will be
A true high school has no happy ending. There is no “happily ever after”, there is no good kid who stays out of trouble and ends up becoming the most popular kid in school. There is no ugly kid who ends up dating the most popular girl in school. All of that is a fantasy thought up to keep middle schoolers from being scared of growing up. Because no matter where you live, highschool is a dark place.
High School Hell High school is the best or worst time in a person's young life. Everyone can agree that high school is a crazy place. For some people it was easy; they were popular or got good grades. For other people it was four years of torture. Other than the enjoyment of high school, what grade a student is in has a lot to do with it.
At first glance high school seems to be a fun and relaxed time. A time that you get to hang out with friends and participate in extracurricular activities. Some of your most treasured memories will be made in high school. However, high school is a cruel and unforgiving place. In high school individuals get judged by their appearance, the way they act, and who they hang out with.
Many people ask me what are my plans after high school? Luckily, I have come to the decision to be in the military and attend a postsecondary education and major in Nursing with the intention of becoming a Pediatrician or becoming an Architect.
As a kid, I grew up with movies like High School Musical, which clearly showed the divide between the popular kids, the jocks, and the theatre kids. As we grew up we watched Mean Girls, and The Clique. The social hierarchy of high school became very real. We watched shows like Hannah Montana and Zoey 101, we saw all types of different schools and all different cliques.
It was the end of the 1st semester of my sophomore year and I was discussing classes with my counselor, the fact that I was joining AVID I knew in that moment I realized that I had to take school more seriously. College is just around the corner, I knew that I needed to make a change and be more responsible in my life. When my counselor told me in order to be in the program you have to maintain a good GPA. It helps that I've always had decent grades throughout my life in school so that wasn’t a problem.
Entering high school is the beginning of a whole new learning experience. Transitioning from middle school, high school presents more classes, students, and a bigger campus. It brings new expectations and responsibilities to each of us. High school also offers fresh chances to make new friends, try new sports and activities, and really explore who we are as individuals. The goal is to maintain good grades, score high on the SAT test, and keep a positive attitude so colleges and universities will accept you. Of course it's not as easy at sounds, but it's achievable. It requires a lot of work and dedication to every subject. Some students breeze their way through while others live in misery trying to pass their
In 8th grade, I was told I would be moving to a new country, so my parents could start their new careers of being missionaries. At first, I was so happy and excited for this new adventure. However, after I entered high school I did not want to leave, I wanted to be involved with my school and in activities. The decision my parents made really affected my life, I became very angry with them and started to do things I normally wouldn’t do, like self-harm. Before entering my junior year of high school my family and I moved to Costa Rica. Instead of being angry and having self-pity, I decided to be optimistic and think of the experience as a grand adventure that no one else gets encounter. I left my friends and family and the life I’ve known since
The transition from middle school to high school was difficult for me. I’d gone to very a progressive middle school where the students basically got to choose their own curriculum. I’d never had grades or a standard structure of any kind to measure my academic performance. Saint Mary’s, my high school, is college prep so the teachers move quickly, I am graded on everything, and expectations in general are much higher. For all of ninth grade I felt like I had been tossed into the deep end without knowing how to swim, and my grades reflected that mentality. Summer before tenth grade, I knew I couldn’t continue performing so poorly, so I began to study and to try and get a jump start on the next year’s curriculum. When school started I put much
High School is a time when many teenagers get into trouble and have many conflicts and struggles. Without all of the struggles, high school is supposed to be four terrific years. There are many struggles for teens like peer pressure, managing your time, fitting in, and many more. Most high schoolers will get pressured by their peers at some point and can cause some serious problems. About fifty-five percent of students play a high school sport on top of having a job, keeping your grades up, and just overall having fun, which can be very hard to do. During High school, students are going to want to not be themselves and want to fit in without being judged by their peers. High school should be a time for you to have some great years in your
Now high school can be a big pain in the butt, but in reality, what would you be doing at home if you weren't in school? Probably just sitting down and eating. High school is a big responsibility and a big change. Teacher's don't mean to scare you by giving you a ton of homework they're just getting you ready for the rest of your life because that is their job. You do get a lot of freedom, stress really kicks in and the people in the hallway can get on your nerves, but in the end High School is a great
Life should be like a kite, floating peacefully in the air above everything. Of course life isn't like that, because there are times the wind will blow you around too much; taking you places you don't want to go. High school can be a part of that and make things hard, but it can also be easy; although, there are conflicts that arise during the year, and it's better to keep your personal life separate from school life.
High school can either be the best or worst four years of your life. There is always a minimum of requirements that one has to complete before you are considered a high school graduate. Many see it as basic and can get through it like a walk in the park, but as for others it requires more than just doing your work. Staying after school, going to tutoring, staying up late and sacrificing give you one heck of a ride. When you look back at the amount of work that has been given to you, it is just a segment of what has yet to come. Most importantly, it prepares you if you take advantage of what has been offered to you. In order for oneself to feel successful, it takes hard work and dedication.