
Transition Of Art And Architecture From The Gilded Age

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Transition of art and architecture from the gilded Age to the era of Ashcan artists
Art is the expression of creative skills and imagination, through a visual medium such as painting or sculptures. Architectural is the art of designing and constriction of an object or a building. During Gilded Age the newly wealth citizens of America traced their ancestry and cultural heritage to the greater civilization and aristocracies of Europe. People spend months collecting and moving art and architecture from Europe to United States. During the Gilded Age, American architects created a different blending of style to their great houses which were initially influenced by European design. As a result of revolution, Ashcan school was introduced by a group of artists who were inspired by Robert henry. The artists believed in worthiness of immigrants and the working class life as artistic subject matter in art.

1. A Ride for Liberty

The theme of this art is liberty. It was designed by Eastman Johnson on 2nd march, 1962. It is located at Brooklyn museum. This art demonstrate the journey of America to freedom. Americans love for freedom was represented by the liberty poles. The art shows the idea of Americans attempting to occupy a more prominent place in public and private discourse in the United States (Walker, …show more content…

It was designed by Thomas Eakins in 1875. It is located at Philadelphia Museum of Art. The gross clinic art showed the society how surgical operation was done in the 19th century. Frock coats worn by the surgeons represent hygienic surgical environment and helped people to understand prevention of infections. Frock coats depict a cleaner and brighter surgical theater (Aldrich, 1969, p.111). It demonstrates the evolution of health care in America in the 19th century. The Gross Clinic Art is a representative of the Gilded Age since people had not adopted proper

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