
Transition To Adulthood Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Transition to Adulthood as a Fifteen-Year-Old
The transition to adulthood always seemed to be some momentous or celebratory event; something which everyone should be able to look forward to. While that's what is brought to mind when the transition is brought up, that isn't always the reality. I became an adult more than ever as a 15-year-old in the second semester of my freshman year.
My grandfather, the only male role model I've ever had, has always been crucial to my development as a person. He taught me how to scuba dive, how to treat others, and he sparked my passion for history and politics. Without him, there is no way to know who I would have become. However, in February of 2013, he went on a diving trip with his best friend to Honduras. My grandfather is a diabetic and had a callous on his right foot. Despite his doctor's assurance that he could safely dive, my grandpa got an infection on one of his toes. …show more content…

Over that February, both my grandma and mother stayed with him through much of the process. I, on the other hand, was home alone trying to succeed in school. It was over this February where I gained an adult's level of maturity. I was intentionally left out of the conversation to protect my emotions. However, being shielded from it all only made it worse because I was left with nothing but assumptions and fears. I later found out that my grandfather nearly died during the whole ordeal, and I wouldn't have known otherwise. The only male role model in my life nearly left this world while I a mere 15 years old, and I was

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