The study starts with greetings, highs, and lows. That time takes up about ten minutes. Afterwards, we transition to the Bible study. For fifteen minutes, we watch the lesson video for that day. After watching the video, we take anywhere from two to five minutes in silence to digest everything the video talked about. There is not one certain passage we concentrate on in the lesson. Instead, the study has the passages set up to where we look at different parts of the Bible that relate to the day’s lesson. The lesson does not seem to concentrate on the Bible’s multivalency due to close-ended questions. To adhere to this problem, I create my own questions in order to develop their deliberative theology.
Examining three models found in this week’s reading, Aware-Engage-Apply (Grenz and Olson 129-130), Attending-Asserting-Acting (Christian Thinking) and Analysis-Reflection-Application (Umbel), each three-fold model had the same basic principle: intake of knowledge, processing that knowledge, and using that knowledge. In order for this to be effective, I will need to address each of the three legs so that everything remains balanced. First, the intake of knowledge (other models use awareness, analysis, or attending), must be biblical sound. If people are to think theologically, they must be taught theologically first, which means we must teach them to Word of God in its entirety, not just select Scriptures to back up our thought of the day.
Though most children in the United States are raised in a safe and secure environment, there are many who are not. In 2013, 3.9 million children were the focuses of at least one Child Protective Services report in the United States; close to one-fifth of these reports (679,000) were confirmed (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2015). In his novel, The Lost Boy, author, Dave Pelzer, describes the life of a young boy during his abusive times at home, court room hearings, and movement from foster home to foster home. He depicts the story from the child, David’s perspective. This allows for the reader to understand how a child views the welfare system, foster system, child therapy, and more. The main problem David experienced, besides the abuse from his biological mother, was an overall lack of support. “Facts for Families” (2000) claims that children have basic needs for both physical and mental health, including unconditional familial love, a safe and secure environment, and appropriate (emphasis on the appropriate) support and discipline. After being separated from his family, David jumped from foster home to foster home. Many times, this was simply due to a misunderstanding or circumstances that were in no way his fault, though he blamed himself a lot. This book illustrates the trials of one young boy, yet it speaks for the millions of children in the U.S. who go through these same hardships in their everyday lives.
University, I will be conducting a book review over the book How to Read the Bible for all its
In the beginning God intended for his people to live in a creation that he had made, and to love and take care of it. He wanted his people that he created to love him and be obedient to his plan for civilization in regards to how much he loves us. His will was for us to trust him and live in peace, in the creation that he had made for us to have dominion of. The thing is we could not identify with what God was doing for us even when the human race was in the beginning as we saw them in the garden of Eden. So if we could not have a good relationship with God who did all of this for us. Then how do we expect to have good human relationships with one another if we could not love what God had done
reading community” (115-116) Scripture when read as a story of what God has done and is doing today, gives us a complete picture of God's reconciliatory plan for humanity. This is very significant for me because by being aware of all scripture as the grand story of God no book or chapter is less significant because the book is part of the grand story of God. I will still struggle with some books like the Songs of Solomon, but after acquiring this new perspective from right, I can read the book with new lenses and try to figure out it connects to the story of God, but I believe I can only do that with the help of the Holy Spirit.
After reading “Everyday Bible Study, chapters 6-9” I found that God wrote the Bible. The Bible is made up of 66 books and was written over a large time span and has many different Authors like Peter, Matthew, and Timothy to name a few, and all were from various parts of the world. Given that technology was nowhere near what it is today, communicating with each other or to conspire was not possible during their time; they all corroborate the same thing, that God wrote the Bible through Man. Man was inspired to create the Scriptures from God through the influence of the Holy Spirit; Scripture was not created by any human being, rather it was translated by God through the Holy Spirit to Man (2 Pet. 1:20-21 New International Version). “If Men Are Involved, How Are There No Errors?”
Words change over time, making it difficult to understand because the original meanings don 't change, but people 's understanding can be changed as cultures change. There is only one correct way to interpret the Bible, however, there are many incorrect ways and much arguing over who is more correct. Most of this has to do with Satanists who go incognito as Christians in order to mislead man away from God.
Firstly, I would like to speak of my journey to change, rectify, or should I say modify my behavior. The behavior I wished to modify is the behavior of spending time to grow in the spiritual realm. This is a rather personal subject so I will try to be superficial, but maybe not too superficial. I do not wish to lose the essence or profoundness of the journey.
1. In her speech, Jane Fonda spoke about aging and the effect that it can have on a person. Fonda talked about “Life’s Third act” or the last three decades of a person’s life. Fonda explained that the advances in medicine and technology enabled the human race to live longer than before (Fonda, 2012). According to Fonda, humans are living on average, thirty years longer than past generations. The human life span has been extended and humans are spending a great deal of their lives in older age (Fonda, 2012). Fonda explains that we should not accept aging as a decline to our mental and physical capacity. According to her, our spirits do not age but mature over time which explains why people over the age of fifty are generally happier, less
Being a student of the Jewish Bible and a disciple in Jesus’ day was for the very few. Boys and girls went to school and began memorizing and studying the Torah from ages 6 - 10. By the age of 10, most children would have memorized the entire Torah the first five books of our Old Testament, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Imagine!
I purchased this book or this assignment with preconceived notions that this book was written by a feminist so the view of the women would be biased. I also believed that the book would only discuss the women in the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament because the author was Jewish. I was clearly surprised to find my ignorance had proved me wrong. This book analyzes women’s roles in Biblical history on a collegiate and academic level by a professor who cared deeply enough to research minute details of these characters. Tikva addresses one of my thoughts within the acknowledgements page when she said, “My feminist sensibilities
Bible verses are seen on many of today’s products. Everything from bracelets to coffee mugs have these great words displayed on them and are being sold at a very high rate. As a Christian, it is very encouraging to see these products fly off the shelves as they are. It is even more encouraging to see so many high schools use bible verses on their teams or clubs banners. This is an opportunity for the word to be spread to people who may not be around the church setting very often. Despite the advantages, the use of verses on banners has been criticized. People are saying this is an attempt by the school to promote religion and these people are trying to get the school to remove these verses. Many schools are complying with this request, others are on the fence. I believe students should be allowed to put whatever they would like on banners they create.
College can be a very difficult adjustment for freshman to make, especially for freshmen that are believers in Christ. While the struggles and evils of the world bare down on them, students need a source of fulfillment and safety. That can be found within a daily study of the bible. Christian college freshmen should make time for a daily bible study so that they may grow closer with the Lord, get help and guidance for life, and reach a deeper understanding of what the bible says so they can defend against attacks.
I find the academic biblical approach difficult and interesting. Studying the bible academically is different than being at church. In my opinion, I found taking the Old Testament class frustrating. In some ways academic and bible studying comes hand in hand. The academic approach is more of researching, literary, and discovering factual events for a better understanding. Most people are used to studying the Bible as they learned in church besides reading on a daily basis. Most bible studies are held at church; then you have those that conduct private devotions.
I’m taking this course be more submerged in the Word of God. I also want to be able to articulate myself went it comes to my Faith. For a century the Bible has been read not only as history and God's Word but also for own enlightenment. The Bible is not just for us to keep to ourselves but to help one another. This, of course, is a meaningful reason for studying the Bible for those who believe in God, but the Bible is also surprisingly educational for those who do not believe. It is full of individuals facing ethical choices, life trials, and circumstances that are valid to us today. The Bible finishes in the New Testament with the story of the life, teaches, death, and revival of Jesus Christ. His ministry remains significant in our present