Nowadays, driving has become a part of our lives and culture. However, this culture has also caused us a lot of problems such as traffic congestion, oil consumption, and pollution. For some people, they need cars because it is a personal transportation, and public transportation is not convenient enough. Although my friends and roommates live so close to the school, they love to drive to school because they do not believe the bus schedule. In the artlice “Drowsy Driving – Stay Alert, Arrive Alive”( shows that 71% of adults in America drive a car to and from work, which means a lot of people cannot live without cars now.
At the same time, in the article “Transportation Pollution and Global Warming,” Nadeine Unger, she states that cars will create a lot of black carbon, which is bad for air quality and our health. As I mentioned before, almost everyone in U.S. owns a car, which means people are creating an unknown amount of black carbon every day . Despite what people who drive alone may believe, public transportation is an excellent system as it can solve the traffic problem, lessen car accidents, help with our time management, save our money, and rescue our health and the environment.
First of all, More cars on the freeways lead to more traffic problem, which means driving alone in our car is wasting our time. People who drive on streets and freeways will be wasting time because there will be a traffic congestion on streets and freeways everyday. Public
Though there are alternate means of transportation such as carpools, buses, or simply walking, these alternatives can be just as problematic as cars themselves. With carpools, we still run the risk of drivers that are not paying full attention to the road because they are paying more attention to the members of their carpool. Though with the intent of conserving gas, carpools will still pollute our fresh air with the harsh chemicals found in gas. Buses are more or less a large- scale carpool. Buses may seem to promote mass transportation of people, they are very costly because drivers must be paid and money must be spent on gas. Not to mention that buses can be extremely dirty, whereas the pods are self sanitized.
Three quarters of emissions in 2004 were coming from road traffic (Woodcock, p.1930, 2009). Emissions used from transportation are forecasted to increase from the year 2007-2030 by about 80% according to studies done by James Woodcock who is currently studying climate change and health from car fuels (Woodcock, p.1930, 2009). This is due to the fact that the emissions from vehicles are increasing significantly and are higher than any other energy fragment (Woodcock, p.1930, 2009). The only way to lower this percentage is to decrease the number of individual automobiles on the road and increase the number of public transit systems, starting long distance walking to work or school, carpooling or even biking to destinations. These principles would
Why do we drive? Can't we just walk instead or just ride bikes. Life would be a whole lot different if we didn't have cars. It would take forever to get to work, school, and to meet up with friends. An upside though is that we would have less air pollution, so our air would be healthier to breathe in.
If the public transportation improves, more and more people would take buses instead of driving. Then there would be less CO2 for our environment. Mohammad-Beigi, Nouri and Liaghati (2015) claim that the population in large cities is growing very fast, which means that transportation needs also increase really fast which leads to environmental problems. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, improving public transportation is a good solution. This study shows that driving cars really causes air pollution and it is harm for our environment. Phoenix is the largest city in Arizona, so the population growth in Phoenix will lead to the same problem that the three author mentioned. Improving public transportation will be helpful in decreasing the number of drivers and therefore reducing toxic emission. According to the PR Newswire Europe Improving public transportation in Brasilia (2009) claim public transportation is good because buses are more orderly, and they are safer and have less impact on the environment. It also shows that public transportation can help to reduce air pollution. Phoenix is an urban city like Brasilia, so it has a similar situation. Improving public transportation would be a good solution because it will lead to less driving. Then we will reduce exhaust gas
Once families could afford two cars because of the lowering price, many women could now drive. African Americans could now drive as well; putting them at the wheel gave them new respect. The car also enables people to make a decision to go somewhere and leave immediately, no more waiting for a bus or a train. Cars gave Americans the freedom to move to other cities and start new lives. Although some people say that cars are dangerous because of accidents, there are many accidents involving trains, planes, and buses as well. Some may continue with “Cars are polluting the environment,” But other forms of transportation pollute just as much as
Cars need to be central in our lives, because without them we couldn’t do much. Without a car you would have to live in walking distance from your job. Also you have to live in walking distance of a grocery store or you can’t have food or snacks in your home. You are also stuck inside the city you live and if you don’t have a car it’s hard to go different places.
Cars are so important because they provide mankind a common and convenient means of transportation, particularly for those who do not have convenient access to public transportation, such as buses, subways or trains, which is the fact in the suburbs and small towns. People can use cars as personal transportation, whether it is a shorter commute to work or a longer trip to run errands; and they can also drive cars to visit their friends or relatives, make a business appointment, as well as conduct all of their routine affairs like market shopping or entertainment. For people who have their own car, it not only means freedom and independence, but also represents the high quality of life.
Automobiles play a major role in today's society. Almost every American owns at least one motorized transportation vehicle. Some say they make our lives better by reaching places faster than before. Others say they are a harmful to the environment. Have they made our society better or worse? They may be fast, but do we as humans want our environment to suffer because of time. Face it, cars pollute. And they release destructive chemicals into the air. Air pollution can threaten the health of many subjects in the environment including human beings.
Climate change and transportation play a big role and it is important to be concerned for our future generations. The use of gasoline cars is a major producer in carbon dioxide emissions, although they are not entirely responsible for it—they play a role in it. Other form of transportations like buses and taxis also contribute to carbon dioxide emissions. The total amount of carbon dioxide emissions from an average car is seventy six percent which comes from usage of a vehicle containing gasoline. Efficiency has increased by twenty percent in regards to electric motors, especially when it comes to their wheels using no power when the car is at rest. Car ownership will increase and with this, improvements in technology could be a vital
The U.S government has been actively involved in overseeing emission standards for years. This corresponds with the statement made by the U.S Department of transportation that, “Transportation is the largest end-use sector emitting CO2”, and also the statement released by the NRCAN in which, “Fuel usage & carbon dioxide emissions have grown steadily over the past two decades.” These factors are only to be associated with your average four door sedan and/or light truck. These do not include your 18 wheelers, heavy trucks, or the gas guzzling vans that emit more carbon dioxide into the air and are also on the road more today than ever have been before. Cars are readily and easily obtainable more so now than ever have been. This creates more fuel to be burned up in which produces more toxins to be constantly released into the atmosphere. In fact, according to Scientific American “cars relate as much as 30 gallons of GHG, while only driving 3 miles.” These miles can be correlated with something just as simple as your average work commute. According to the United States Census Bureau, “Nearly 600,000 full-time workers had "megacommutes" of at least 90 minutes and 50 miles.” Those workers alone would each be releasing up to 500 gallons of GHG. These can be considered some of the bigger factors that the greenhouse gasses have taken a toll on.
Automotives such as cars are an important part of human culture, but human could survive without them. For examples students not necessarily need their car to go to the school.Students could get help by following the following steps. First in the morning they should leave their house and walk on the sidewalk in front of their house. Then start walking on to the sidewalk taking the shortest route from their house’s driveway to their bus stop.
As time progresses, an interest for advancement lingers within individuals, as have with times passed. That is to say, such interest arouses the desire for putting into play several well-thought-out ideas. Some of which have resulted successful and common within the population. In particular, the invention of the automobile. Nowadays, driving has become one of the most used methods for transportation. In fact, with car technology improving, the amount of drivers seem to further escalate. A Los Angeles Times article states, “the number of vehicles on the road reached a record level of almost 253 million, an increase of more than 3.7 million, or 1.5%,” (253 Million Cars and Trucks on U.S. Roads). Even though modern technology has opened windows to a new world of possibilities, individuals still take such developments for granted. Drivers thoughtlessly violate traffic laws, which in return, result in a range of consequences. For this reason, citizens should respect laws to avoid getting themselves into trouble and to grow an appreciation for the current way of life.
In densely populated areas, we currently see a paradigm shift in personal mobility. For the younger generation, car usership is gradually replacing the need of car ownership. However, for example, when relying on car sharing solutions, users often spontaneously drive cars they are not used to. Results are increased stress and a higher risk of accidents.
Automobiles are a major producer of greenhouse gas. One gallon of fuel burned puts five pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Let’s say that an average car gets 25 miles to the gallon, and that car has a ten gallon tank. Every time a car gets filled up with gas, another fifty pounds of carbon dioxide have been put back into the atmosphere, and that is just one car. The automobile industry is very important to the world economy, so I am not saying that we should stop making cars, but there are other solutions. The recent trend of hybrid electric cars that get up to fifty miles to the gallon are becoming more popular. Also public transportation is very important. City dwellers that live downtown, do not need to drive their cars to work. Every major city has a form of public transportation that can get anyone around the city, and for that gallon of gas a bus burns the same five pounds reaches the atmosphere, but instead of one
Today the world is struggling with environment change and the issue of global warning. The world has never been like this before because of so many reasons. The biggest problem is increasing temperatures year to year. Increasing temperature further creates issues with public health and economy. Governments and nongovernmental organizations are working to change the situation this planet is facing. In this case, most human daily activities have a big impact on the atmosphere. One of the biggest problem is air pollution. Air pollution is mostly caused by industries and motor vehicles. Industry and motor vehicles produce harmful carbon dioxide. Therefore, People should contribute their part to save the planet to stop using their own car for everyday activities, and they should use public transport more. When people start using public transport, the carbon dioxide emissions become limited. In most cities population is growing, and the same time the traffic is increasing. As the matter of fact, cities polluted by the vehicles which produce toxic gas, and this makes the environment adulterated. If people use public transport, they could reduce pollution, avoid air pollution related diseases and global warming. Using public transportation has a lot of benefits for the environment and the economy. Weather it is using buses, train or shuttles. Public transportation is the best solution to save the environment, money and reduced traffic jam.