
Transportation Processes And Systems Theory

Better Essays

Cargo Transportation


The method guide is constructed according to “Fundamentals of Transportation Processes and Systems Theory” course syllabus of the field of study 6.070101 “Transport Technologies”.

The course syllabus of “Fundamentals of Transportation Processes and Systems Theory” course is intended for studying the fundamentals of transportation process and operations in cargo transportation. The main purpose of studying this course is comprehension of basic transportation processes’ concepts related to transportation of cargo by two transport modes (or with cross-docking) with warehousing of the specified cargo type. The key objective of the given course is for the students to gain skills in management of transportation processes at micro level. The course will also improve the research skills and develop independence and responsibility of the students.

According to the study plan of the major, the students complete a term paper entitled “Calculation of efficiency indicators of transportation processes in industrial transport systems”. The term paper deepens the knowledge on the course, allows practical application of the acquired skills of calculating the basic parameters of transportation processes and systems, and is an important stage in mastering the material of the course.

Writing, documentation and presentation of the term paper is completed individually by the student in accord with the given method guide.

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