
Transtheoretical Model: The Stages Of Change

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Hi Imee,
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Actually, I am familiar with the stages of change as I have personally applied it, about four years ago, to break some bad health habits caused by difficult life circumstances. Although the term transtheoretical model is new to me, perhaps at that moment, I was more focused on how to take “action”, a behavior that can be identified to belong to the preparation stage. After several unused gym memberships, and the feeling of being eternally stuck in the preparation stage, but with a lot of determination, I was able to progress to my current stage of change, which is the maintenance change.
To get back to your question, the primary barrier that hindered the patient from taking control of his health was his belief that he was “victimized” by an unavoidable disease. As cardiovascular disease (CVD) runs in the family, probably his previous experience shrouded the positive benefits of pursuing a healthy lifestyle. The patient’s own evaluation of this barrier, CVD as hereditary disease, prevented him from adopting a new behavior.The logic behind behavioral choices that are rooted in an integral social structure such as kinship, religion, or politics may seem irrational (Joseph, Burke, Tuason, Barker & Pasick, 2009). Consequently, an intervention to shift this perceived barrier should not be underestimated.
During my therapy visits, the patient often talks endearingly about his family. Using this as a facilitator, he acknowledges the fact that a change in his lifestyle will be delightful for the whole family. With the family …show more content…

Again thank you for your feedback.


Joseph, G., Burke, N., Tuason, N., Barker, J. & Pasick, R. (2009). Perceived susceptibility to illness and perceived benefits of preventive care: An exploration of behavioral theory constructs in a transcultural context. Heath Education Behavior, 39 (5), 71- 90 . doi:

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