Has there been a time that you have done something that took a lot of nerves? One time that I did something that took a lot of nerves was last year. In history class that day, our class was run by one student from our class. The leader that was chosen by the class really wasn’t chosen by the class. Traolach said that he was the leader so he took power; the class went by his rules. At the start, of Traolach’s power, I knew this was going to be a fail. The reason for thinking that it was going to be a fail because it took us like the whole class time to do the bellringer, the bellringer is spouse to start the class up not take up the whole class period. That was why I wanted to take a stand and get a new leader in power. We as a class needed someone to become a leader and take control instead of asking the class if they needed more time. Traolach was doing the opposite, he really had to control in …show more content…
My idea was to try to make a little group take down the leader. When trying to make the group I had to find people that felt the same as me; which was to have a new leader because our leader was not efficient.That task was not that hard to complete because a lot of people were feeling that our class was not getting things done efficiently. I felt really strongly about getting a new leader; so my decision was to rally out the people who felt the same as me take down the leader. My plan to gather the people that had the same point of view on the matter was to find the people in the class that I knew was a risk taker like me. So I stuck with my plan and I knew that Nicky and Eddie were risk takers. I went up to them and asked them if they wanted to join me to take down the leader, which was Traolach. As I had gathered the people that I knew would help me to take a stand because usually you need more than one person to make a difference especially when I am a 13-year-old boy that people think as a
At the Novice Parliamentary Procedure Contest my Sophomore year, my team and I had to plan all of the logistics for a volleyball tournament in a ten minute and thirty second meeting. In addition, we had only one minute alloted to look over the item of business, and develop clear concise viewpoints on the business at hand. As a result, I learned quickly how to think on my feet because often another teammate would snatch up the debate I had in mind. Also, I learned how to conduct myself in a confident yet poised manner, and convey my thoughts quickly and eloquently because we were given more points if we maximized the debate scorecard. In that moment at the contest when I sat down after nailing my debate on why we should host the volleyball tournament, I peered out into the audience and saw 300 people intently looking back a me. Rather than freezing like I did as a seventh grader, I had finally overcome my stage fright. Wow, I’d really done it. In that instant, I saw a layer added to my parfait, but the layer was later turned into an onion when I found out that we received Third Runner-Up at Nationals. I distinctly remember walking back to our hotel, and I do not think that any positive thoughts crossed my mind for the rest of the week long trip. You see, no matter how well I did I always
I have always been the person people go to for answers. Since seventh grade I have been in honors classes; I was the only seventh grader in an eighth grade math class. I had never been so nervous walking in to class in my life. My legs were trembling and my hands were shaking. I walked around the room hoping to find a seat not in the back so I do not show my teacher I do not care; but not in the front so my classmates think I am a kiss up. I sat in between two boys, and tried to not let them see how intimidated I actually am by them.
Abigail Williams is the niece of Reverend Parris. From the beginning the audience can get the idea that Abigail is not a truthful person. At first, Abigail tells her uncle, Parris, that did not do any sort of witchcraft in the forest. She said her, betty, and the others were only dancing. Once Reverend Hale starts questioning the event in the forest, Abigail then begins to reveal what she said actually happened in the forest. She also begins to show cowardness when she confesses they were doing witchcraft. She then changes the story that their servant,Tituba, had forced them to drink blood and do the witchcraft.
During my first quarter of running start, I took intro to sociology and I had a major midterm project. When we were aquatinted with our members I took initiative to make sure we could all communicate and work online to reduce the number of times we needed to meet so that the students who had trouble with transportation could carpool with members of our group who lived near the college. We decided to spend a few minutes after class on discussing the project and whilst doing so I could see that a particular member of our group, Alex would doubt her ability to work on the project. I made sure that she knew that having her in our group was crucial to successes and that I am open to helping her overcome her doubts. We had conversations about struggling
I had to make a survey and I could choose ten people to answer it. I gave the survey to 10 people of my choice and I told them it was for my class, but I didn't tell them anything about when I had to have it turned in, I just told each of them "When you have time could you please just do this survey for me" the day before it was due I had texted all of them, and they forgot about it and they were like "well, ruby why you just didn't tell me when you needed me to do it by, because I forgot". From that day forward, I knew that if I wanted something done I needed and it had people involed I really needed to step my communication skills
There were many surprising happenings throughout the semester. One of the most unexpected events occurred during my summative leadership activity. A certain
Heart racing, knees shaking, arms trembling; it was the first day of my sophomore year and I was about to enter my AP World History, class. My palms were sweaty; I didn’t know what to expect, but afterward, the teacher gave a brief overview of the course. He mentioned how it was rigorous and demanding course, and it would prepare us for college-level courses, such as developing our speaking skills and helping us receive college credits. We focused on teaching the class about the content, which was good opportunity to defeat my fear. At this point, I had to get over my fear of presenting in front of others, but the thought of it tortured me. All I could think of was my 10-year-old self speechlessly standing in front of many students with so
The Public health program at the University of Maryland, College Park is relatively new and as a result, there are debates regarding the format of the capstone class. The goal of a capstone class is to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate key skills learned during their college experience (Fanter, 2010). In addition capstone classes also provide faculty members with the opportunity to evaluate each student’s ability to understand the concept taught and apply these skills to situations they may encounter in their future careers (Fanter, 2010). As a result this class is offered to seniors during their final semester before graduation, in order to integrate a more culminating experience. Most universities create a capstone class
Throughout my ninth year at Rundle I have learned the importance of truly striving for my fullest potential. At the beginning of the year I didn’t hold LA in high regard and I believed that I would easily breeze through this class with little to no resistance. Almost immediately I was proven wrong due to the immense workload and intricate essays attributed to this class.
Oh boy was I scared into complete and utter silence on my first encounter with my new instructor. The demands on us, as a student, seemed to be exceedingly high leaving no room for mistakes. On the contrary, being that this was all pretty much new for me, I began to panic. Meanwhile as I tried to
It is argued by some commentators that having nerves can improve your performance (Lancaster and Janes, 1994). Feelings of nervousness helped me to focus on my presentation however things did not go the way I planned them. I can only
One of my more vivid experiences of public speaking was when I was taking a class at a community college. While taking this class I would often have to give speeches and demonstrations in front of the class. As I was waiting for my turn to give my very first speech, I was very certain that I would have no problems at all, it would a piece of cake, or so I thought. All of a sudden, I hear my name being called as it was my turn to deliver a knockout performance, but as I stood in front of that small class of people I just blanked out. An overwhelming amount of anxiety came over of me. I could feel my heart beginning to race and my hands starting to sweat. I could not for the life of me remember what I was going supposed say. In addition, the
William Shakespeare was allegedly born in Stratford-upon-Avon, on April 23, 1564. He was baptized in the Holy Trinity Church on April 26, of that same year. His father, John Shakespeare, was a Glover and leather merchant and his mother, Mary Arden, a landed heiress. William was the third of eight children in his family. John Shakespeare had an outstanding run of success as a merchant, and later as an alderman and high bailiff of Stratford, during William's early childhood. His fortunes declined, however, in the 1570's.
On the first day to the academy, my nerves were shot to pieces due to concerns about the subway. To get onto the subway, I had to buy a ticket first. I inserted the money that my mom had prepared into the machine. The machine sucked the money with a bizarre sound. At that moment, even this weird sound made me nervous. After my struggle with the ticketing machine, I followed the route drawn on the
Adolescence is the developmental stage between childhood and adulthood; it generally refers to a period ranging from age 11 and 19. Adolescence has many psychological and social stages, as well as biological. The beginning of adolescence is usually marked with the beginning of puberty. Adolescence can be prolonged, brief, or practically nonexistent, depending on the type of culture in which it occurs. Adolescence is somewhere between childhood and adulthood. It is filled with constant change, uncertainty, but it can be wonderful and full of expectation. Everything a child learned to believe is suddenly challenged. One day you are a cute child that everybody seemed to adore, and the next day your skin and body are