
Traumatic Injuries: A Case Study

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Define the following terms:
a. Pneumoconiosis- defined as “the accumulation of dust in the lungs and the tissue reactions to its presence (Friis, 2012, pg. 357).
b. Byssinosis- is known as brown lung disease. Byssinosis is caused by prolonged inhalation of textile fiber dust (Friis, 2012, pg.357). c. Mesothelioma- is an uncommon cancer of chest lining (Friis, 2012, pg. 357).
d. Black Lung Disease- also known as coal miners’ pneumoconiosis or coal workers’ pneumoconiosis. Black lung disease is an occupational hazard of the coal mining industry (Friis, 2012, pg. 353).
e. Ototoxic- refers to agents that can produce hearing loss. Ototoxic agents include very loud sounds and several classes of drugs and chemicals used in the work environment; there also may be synergistic effects among ototoxic agents (e.g., noise and workplace chemicals) (Friis, 2012, pg. 353). f. Decibel (dB) - The standard measure of the …show more content…

Trauma- Can be refer to a physical injury. The agent factor for traumatic injuries is workplace accidents (Friis, 2012, pg. 354).
h. Mule spinners’ cancer (also known as mule spinners’ disease) – The mule was a textile spinning machine; the disease referred to scrotal cancer that occurred among male cotton textile workers who were exposed to mineral oils over long time periods as they used the mule (Friis, 2012, pg. 350).

3. The following list describes occupations that involve exposures to hazardous substances (e.g., metals or chemicals). Indicate the hazards associated with each occupation. Which of these occupations, if any, no longer exist?
a. Chimney sweeps are exposed to many dangerous substances and chemicals such as carbon, carcinogenic metals, toxic minerals and many others. Yes, chimney sweeps are still around today.
b. Welders often work around and with flammable and combustible liquids, compressed gases, and asbestos; these are also known as hazards that can cause harm to a welder (CCOHS, 2015). Welders still exist has an

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