
Travel Fraud Case

Decent Essays

How much is your integrity worth? Everyone has heard the stories of people making money on do it yourself moves. These stories might have even included loading a truck with friends or cinderblocks to make max weight; this would be a false claim on a travel voucher and is fraud. As Senior Enlisted Leaders, we have a responsibility to ensure that those whom we are responsible for understand and adhere to the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) because they provide guidance for the military traveler and the consequences for failing to adhere to that guidance. This essay will discuss the background and impact of the dishonorable decision to make false claims on a travel voucher in order to make a profit …show more content…

Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) will receive notification of this charge and the charge will receive an investigation. This can cause work stoppage at the command and will affect the commands climate and moral. Once NCIS concludes the investigation and finds sufficient evidence of fraud the service member will receive either non-judicial punishment or court martial. Service members convicted of an article 132 Fraud against the United States have received time in prison, dishonorable discharge, and fines. (Burks et al., 2001). They have also lost the trust of their commands, friends, and family. The most precious thing they stole was their future. The small profit service members may gain from these acts of deceit are not worth the consequences. This essay conferred the background and impact of making fraudulent claims on travel vouchers for profit and the impact it has on the United States Armed Forces. As Senior Enlisted Leaders, we have a responsibility to ensure that those whom we are responsible for understand and adhere to the Joint Travel Regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice because they provide guidance for the military traveler and the consequences for failing to adhere to that

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