Arthritis is the general term for the group of conditions that damage the joints and result in pain and stiffness in one or more of the body's joints. The most common forms are Osteoarthritis (brittle cartilage), Rheumatoid Arthritis (where the body's immune system attacks the joints), Gout (Created by a build-up of Uric Acid) and Ankylosing Spondylitis (Pain and stiffness in the lower part of the spine). There are many methods for treating arthritis which may include Exercise Physiology, Phisiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Chiropractics, Acupuncture, Osteopathy, Naturopathy, Exercise and Medication. A growing number of Arthritis sufferers are turning to 'natural' vitamin supplements as a preferred treatment method. Glucosamine, Chondroitin and Omega-3 Fish Oil all have substantial evidence to show their benefit in the treatment of Arthritis. MSM, Curcumin and Ginger also have minimal substantiated evidence. …show more content…
At a dosage of 1200mg per day, it is said to help cartilage absorb nutrients and water into the cartilage to improve its shock absorption ability and prevent it from cracking or chipping. Fish and cod liver oil contains Omega-3s which are said to improve joint mobility and pain at a dosage of 450mg of fish oil per day. Research suggests that at 1500mg of MSM a day, this natural source of sulphur may have anti-inflammatory effects. Curcumin (found in the Turmeric herb) is said to have significant anti-inflammatory effects when 6g of the Turmeric herb is taken per day over a course of three months. Concentrated ginger extract has been shown by one study to reduce knee pain in arthritis sufferers. Rosehip extract is also suggested to help reduce pain and stiffness in sufferers of Arthritis. Whilst all of these nutrients and vitamins are said to have benefits for Arthritis sufferers, you should not under any circumstances substitute qualified medical advice with information found in this
Turmeric is one of the best herbs to take and will help reduce inflammation and stop nerve pain. Other herbs such as St. John’s Wort, Valerian, Skullcap and Black Kohash will also help reduce inflammation and calm nerve pain.
Antioxidants, including nutrients C and E in each meals and supplements, has proven in reports to furnish ache comfort from osteoarthritis.# Pycnogenol. A new gain knowledge of to be published in the April 2008 model (quantity 22, difficulty No 4) of the journal of Phytotherapy study indicates Pycnogenol (percentnoj-en-all), an antioxidant plant extract from the bark of the French maritime pine tree, used to be proven to scale back all osteoarthritis symptoms via fifty six percent. The be taught published a primarily excessive efficacy of Pycnogenol for lowering joint discomfort by means of fifty five percentage. In addition, patients required dramatically less common anguish remedy (-58 percent), which generally increased the gastrointestinal problems as a consequence of the ache remedy by means of sixty three percent. Furthermore to the osteoarthritis results, 76 percentage of the patients in the Pycnogenol crew and seventy nine percent in the placebo team confirmed obvious ankle and foot edema at inclusion of the learn. After the three months, edema lowered in 79 percentage of the Pycnogenol patients and only one percentage in placebo-handled patients. A even greater extra specific be trained on osteoarthritis implemented on the college of Arizona Tucson (released in nutrition research) previous to this gain knowledge of had discovered that Pycnogenol used to be strong for making improvements to pain and joint perform. After three months in the Pycnogenol team, there used to be a reduction of 43 percentage in affliction, 35 percentage in stiffness, fifty two percentage in physical perform subscales, respectively. The placebo group showed no massive scores throughout the complete learn. Founded on the stories the benefits of Pycnogenol for arthritic joints are suggested to result predominantly from the anti-inflammatory efficiency of Pycnogenol. There are more breakthrough reviews on Pycnogenol and osteoarthritis
In the article, “Role of Diet in Influencing Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity” by Humeira Basda explains possible changes in diet can be made to help improve health and bone activity in patients. Approximately 50% of patients were experimented with unorthodox treatments and diets in the recent 6 months probably in an attempt to gain better disease control. Some diets that helped improve health and bone activity is the Mediterranean diet which is largely based on consumption of foods derived from plant sources with limited meat consumption. The main source of fats is small amounts of wine and olive oil. The Mediterranean diet shows anti-inflammatory effects due to protective properties of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins,
Medication for arthritis - this is a vast topic and depends on the individual case, the severity of problem and owner compliance! It can be divided into conventional and alternative
The oil is also a proven remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. As known fish oil is much richer in omega 3 fatty acid and these fatty acids are excellent for treating Arthritis. The most common symptoms of arthritis are pain and stiffness in the body. A diagnosis is necessary in order to develop a treatment plan. Fish oil is found to be an extremely effective natural remedy for treating arthritis as well as for other different types of joint pain. In order for omega-3 fatty acid to work against arthritis, it necessary for patients to consume a fairly large quantity of it every day on a regular
This article emphasizes on the 10 potent ways to alleviate arthritis joint discomfort and irritation.
Turmeric (Herbal Therapy/Enzyme): Turmeric is a recommended alternative to Ibuprofen and other NSAIDS and is a staple of Ayurvedic medicine, since its active ingredient is curcumin. In 2009, the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that curcumin is about as effective as ibuprofen in reducing the pain of osteoarthritis of the knee. Turmeric has been used in more than 2,500 published studies on numerous studies, such as asthma and cancer. The only downside to this possible medical marvel is that it takes an extremely long time to be effective; it can take up to approximately two months. Turmeric can be consumed in daily dosages to help with inflammation since it’s an anti-inflammatory substance, or tropical creams containing curcumin can be used to reduce
Fish such as mackerel, tuna, salmon, snapper, sardine that are rich in omega 3 polyunsaturated fat are recommended for people suffering from arthritis. These types of fish are good for the heart and their oils are beneficial for reducing inflammation at joints (7). However, it is crucial not to confuse fish oils with fish liver oils (such as cod liver oil and halibut liver oil) because fish liver oils also contain vitamin A. and large amounts of vitamin A can cause serious side effects. Plant sources of Omega-3 fats include linseed, flaxseed and borage oil which could also
According to Mayo Clinic, arthritis is the leading cause of pain and disability in the world. The good news is that there are things you can do about it.
Movement is a part of everyday life. For most organisms, movement is a vital part of survival. The inability to move stumps daily activity. Arthritis is a common disease that develops in a variety of different forms. The word “arthritis” itself means “joint inflammation”. A joint is the section of the body where two bones meet, providing a cushion between them and facilitating movement. Arthritis not only comes in different forms but, occur in humans of all ages, genders and races. Because conventional treatment options focus mostly on pain management, an increasing number of the 43 million people with arthritis are seeking alternative methods of disease management to improve their quality of life. Symptoms of the disease can be mild, moderate
Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory and may work as well as anti-inflammatory drugs, making it useful for arthritis pain, allergies and other inflammation based health issues.
A well balanced diet plays a huge role in easing arthritic pain. Vitamins and calcium are known to promote healthy bones. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and keep the joints healthy.
There are many touted arthritis supplements available over the counter, in pharmacies, health stores, major grocery stores, department stores and on line. Many are a mix of traditional herbal medicines, which include herbs, minerals and natural or synthetic body chemicals. Some have been around so long they have an excellent record of bringing genuine natural arthritis pain relief. These are to be taken for long-term goals and not as a substitute for painkillers. The best ones are fish oils and glucosamine. The latter is expensive, but very
Arthritis occurs when the body incorrectly identifies its own tissue as foreign matter and attacks it. Arthritis includes a set of more than eighty autoimmune diseases. Arthritis attacks connective tissues and joints. It causes stiffness, pain, inflammation, and swelling of the joints. Some kinds are crippling, but rarely leads to death. There are many different
Arthritis is a joint disorder, which affects one or several joints in the body. The condition has more than one hundred types of diseases with osteoarthritis being the most common. Osteoarthritis results from joint infection, or age. Patients that suffer from arthritis complain about pain in the joints. In most cases, the pain remains constant in the affected joint. It is worth noting, “The pain from arthritis is due to inflammation that occurs around the joint, damage to the joint from disease, daily wear and tear of joint, muscle strains caused by forceful movements against stiff painful joints and fatigue” (Reid, Shengelia & Parker, 2012, p. 40). However, joint pain could result from various diseases, and in such