
Treaty Of Versailles On The Weimar Republic Essay

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"The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on the Weimar Republic to 1929 was more significant than any other factor." How accurate is this statement? (25)

The given statement somewhat inaccurate, as the Treaty of Versaille was one of many significant factors that shaped the Weimar Republic to 1929. The Treaty of Versaille had an array of economic and military consequences that helped shaped the Weimar Republic. However, the German identity, seeded prior the unification, which was further brought out during WW1 had been largely bruised. This allowed German people to be easily manipulated by the radical views of extremists. Finally, a failure to reform, leaving the president with immense executive powers, as well as leaving the Imperial-supporting administrative branches of government, served to characterise much of the Weimar up to 1929.

The economic …show more content…

Yes, the Treaty had a myriad of economic and military consequences. It exacerbated the already dire economic conditions, as well as destroyed the integrity of the German army which caused instability and shame. However, to say it was more significant than any other factor, fails to recognise the significance of the other factors. The wounded German identity, which made people easily manipulatable ensured weaknesses within the Weimar Republic. This meant that people saw the new government as illegitimate and traitorous, and is a significant factor in the political instability that occurred prior to 1929. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the Weimar Government did not enact reform to change the judiciary nor the educational institutions, this led a very great right-wing bias in these two branches, which played a huge part in influencing and determining the course of the Weimar prior to

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