
Tremor Case Study Essay

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MRgFUS effectiveness
In 2012 Elias et al. presented the first clinical trial of MRgFUS application in ET treatment. The study was conducted at the University of Virginia on 15 ET patients who had significantly exacerbated symptoms of ET which complicated their normal activities and who did not show significant improvement after long-term pharmacotherapy. Similar to many of the DBS studies, effectiveness of tremor suppression was measured using a Clinical Rating Scale for Tremor to calculate the total score (ranging from 0 to 160), hand subscore (primary outcome, ranging from 0 to 32), and disability subscore (ranging from 0 to 32), with higher scores indicating worse tremor. The Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire was used to …show more content…

published a non-randomized trial, in which 11 patients were recruited to undergo unilateral MRgFUS and neuroimaging in order to assess the efficacy and safety of the procedure. Tremor severity and functional impairment/disability were assessed at baseline, one week, one month, three months, and six months after the procedure. Eight of the eleven patients who completed the trail showed immediate and sustained improvements in tremors lasting to the 6-month evaluation period. These eight patients reported improvement in Parts A and B involving clinician/investigator rating of tremor severity with the patient writing, drawing spirals, pouring water, and other physical exam tasks. These eight patients also showed marked improvement in Part C of the CRST relating to patient-reported disability due to tremor. However, treatment was not completed for the remaining three patients as MRgFUS failed to achieve a sufficient temperature, resulting in poor lesion and tremor capture. Furthermore, Chang et al. discovered neuroimaging changes where the lesions disappeared after 1 month; questioning the relationship between skull thickness and adequate heating to produce an effective lesion. Still, the authors concluded that these results demonstrated that MRgFUS is a safe, effective and less invasive surgical method for treating medication-refractory

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