There is a famous saying by the philosopher Heraclitus that there is nothing permanent in life except change. Every day is a different day from yesterday, and change is inevitable. Everything around us changes with the passage of time. Changes can be categorized under two main types, which are either beneficial or harmful. But I believe that most of the time, change is for the better than for the worse. From the olden days, when the time where our parents were merely just teenagers like us, till today, a lot has changed. Ranging from the technology of our era till the way we behave, these have all evolved and change in the past decades. One of the most perspicacious changes that occur since the olden days are none other than the modern …show more content…
After the guy has made his choice, the matchmaker will then set up a date for the guy and girl to meet and get married. Throughout this matchmaking, the girl has no chance to voice her opinion or to reject the guy at all; it was considered a privilege being asked for one’s hand in marriage at an early age right? Getting married through an arranged marriage was a popular trend in the olden days. In an arranged marriage, the parents of the girl or guy would choose a candidate they think would be suitable and is compatible to their child. Following that, the parents will then discuss with the parents of the chosen candidate to set a date for marriage. Both the children don’t get to voice their opinions because back in the days it was a norm to obey your parents’ orders as a form of respect. Despite that, in our world today, this trend has long been forgotten. Couples get married with whomever they want, without the help of matchmakers or their parents. The only matchmaker that exists in this era is online matchmaking websites and social networking websites. However, in some rural places, this trend from the olden days still exists. Some of the disadvantages of this modern trend is that, sometimes, we think we know a person well enough, but we don’t. Our decisions sometimes maybe rash , irrational and blinded by love. This might result in marriage being broken and families being torn apart. There is an old saying that mother knows best. So I think the win- win
Yet in America, it is quite different. As stated by Paul Hockings, the Indian culture believes that a woman must obey the men in their lives in a certain order. For instance, a woman should obey her father first, next her husband, and finally her son. The head male of the family, whether it is the father, husband, or son is in charge of the entire family. The head male is also important in arranging marriages. The head male of the family, has to compensate or receive compensation at the time of a child’s marriage. In the Indian culture, the primary purpose of a marriage is to bring families together. It is usually not done out of love or romance. If a marriage is not approved or arranged by the parents involved, then the act is frowned upon. In America, marriages are not typically arranged and people do not receive compensation during a
Khan-Ibarra makes another fantastic point that many things in the world that people wouldn’t have dreamed of ever changing, have changed. Things like how we get out news, now newspapers are becoming rarer and rarer. At least the original form of the newspaper is, while now there are hundreds of newspapers that are exclusively online. The way we receive and send business and personal letters are much different now too. Now you can send and receive a response to your letter in a fraction of the time it would take for the recipient to even receive the letter. Our world is changing because of technology and social media, becoming more productive as
A common issue seen with this is the concept of arranged marriage. Some might think that this tradition only happens in third world or foreign countries. This is not the case. A journalist from Harvard, Anita Jain, writes about her difficulties and her parent’s persistence to get her married. Anita said, “My parents, in a very earnest bid to secure my eternal happiness, have been trying to marry me off to, well, just about anyone lately.” Although this could be seen as her parents trying to help her and find her a spouse, think if it was you in that position.
Robin Sharma once said “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end.” In “Rivers and Tides” Andy Goldsworthy built a stick statue. When the tide started rising the statue was hard to move, then as the tide got higher the sticks started to float away in a messy manner. At the end of the process the top of the statue floated off all together in a gorgeous manner. Likewise change in society today can be good or bad depending on the conditions,
Change occurs rapidly and sometimes it seems that change is the only constant. The world experiences transformation everyday, and in most cases, for the better. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee describes the beginning of a change in the mindset of common people in America during the 20th century that has greatly benefited the whole nation. Also, with the newly legalised gay marriage in the United States, our society is becoming a more equitable and fairer place for all. Lastly, with the establishment of competitions and awards such as the Google Science Fair, the power and innovation of the young are being realised and harnessed for the betterment of the world.
Arranged marriage is found in various cultures and countries around the world, including Afghanistan and other parts of the Middle East; having an arranged marriage is thought of as an Afghani tradition and has been a part of life for many families. The practice of arranged marriage has advantages and disadvantages; it can create more family power and give more financial security. Sadly being forced into a marriage can disrupt the independence of the engaged, most women stop their education when they become engaged resulting in many women being illiterate. This makes it impossible for them to be successful without depending on their husbands. Arranged marriage is found in many cultures throughout the modern world, though in a lot of cases it results in a happy family it can also be very limiting on women and often girls are married before they can give consent.
Arranged Marriage vs. Free-choice Marriage"Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry" (Tom Mullen, 2005, p.1). It is argued that free-choice marriages based on love or romance, offer more independence and freedom as compared to arranged marriages where the man and woman are chosen by the parents and so there is pressure and is not so suitable and independent. However, no marriage is necessarily an ideal sort of marriage. Therefore, it becomes difficult to predict the ideal sort of marriage. The decision is upon the individual, whether he or she wants to be part of an arrange or free-choice marriage. There are two main types of marriages that are practiced in various societies and
It is change, continuing change, inevitable change that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be. These are the words of science fiction writer Isaac Asimov
Those individuals who are proposed of the idea of arranged marriage ask the question “whether a parent can be trusted to find the right partner for a child” (Kolker, 62). These days parents and children argue about almost every single topic let alone finding a spouse for them. It sounds weird when a mother looks for brides for her grown son. But, marriage “as we understand it,
Since man began walking the earth millions of years ago we have been progressing. At first “the pace of change was so slow that entire cultural traditions replicated themselves.” (Wright, 2004, p.14) However, it quickly exploded and became a “runaway progression of change.” (Wright, 2004, p.13) We are progressing on an unprecedented level. New technologies are consistently being developed that change how we lived our lives. How we perceived the world around us and how we, in turn, impacted the world. This is not a problem if you believe in the Victorian notion of progress. “The assumption that a pattern of change exists in the history of mankind . . . that it consists of irreversible changes in one direction only, and that this direction is
The changes from the past to now is something we cannot comprehend. The update of not just technology, medicine, or even food has not just changed, but so has the lifestyle and laws. A few of those changes include work ethic, discipline, and politics. These topics have changed our life, and they will always continue to change. There will be no end to stop all the transitions of these topics, but we can reflect on how they have influenced the past to now.
Arranged marriages are very popular amongst many countries and cultures. It is the tradition of someone’s spouse being chosen for them, usually by their parents. Unfortunately, a decent amount of these marriages occur with the person being forced against their will, or the bride being a child. Arranged marriage, as seen in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” is an important topic in literature and modern-day culture.
Within Afghanistan, parents organize marriages between their daughter and her future spouse before the relationship between the couple has formed. The two types of arranged marriages consist of traditional marriage and forced marriage . In a traditional marriage the parents choose their daughter’s spouse and she can deny or accept her future husband. In a forced marriage, the parents pick their daughter’s spouse and do not let her have any say at all in whom they chose. Some main factors the parents consider for arranged marriages include reputation, vocation, wealth, appearance, and values.
Arranged marriages are set up by friends and family, and sometimes by a matchmaker that sets up the marriage. But the bride’s father has the most responsibility in arranging marriage for his daughter, and is the one who approaches the father of a potential bridegroom. Important aspects when considering a possible match are financial status, caste, and the bride and bridegrooms horoscopes matching. The role of astrology is important, and if a Hindu priest finds that the horoscopes of the potential spouses do not match, they will not marry, and must begin the search all over again (Livermore, 2009). India’s view of marriage first and then love is very different from the Western view where love comes before marriage, seems to be successful. The
Arranged marriage can often lead into forced marriage because one or both of the participants don’t give their full consent and are often coerced into the marriage. Even if the marriage is ‘arranged’ and the bride and groom say no, they can potentially face great pressure from the parents, families and society. Often, the couple might involve young and inexperienced children who all of a sudden have to make a life-changing decision. They could be rushed to give an answer before they weigh up their options. They could possibly be harmed by their families if they do not agree to the marriage by punishments such as being locked up and beaten until they fully agree.