Trends in juvenile justice from the punitive laws enacted by the 1990’s are now being changed. The article stated it was a bipartisan effort to change policies to align sound fiscal responsibility, community safety and better outcomes for youth(Brown, 2015). Some of the new changes will Address racial and ethnic disparities in justice systems, respond more effectively to the mental health needs of young offenders and Improve reentry and aftercare programs for youth(Brown, 2015). I feel if we can work with adolescent while they're young and get them on the right track, it gives them a better chance at doing better.
Working in the substance abuse field I’ve seen and increase in prescription drug abuse among all ages. Recently, Methadone,
It has been one hundred years since the creation of the juvenile court in the United States. The court and the juvenile justice system has made some positive changes in the lives of millions of young people lives over the course or those years, within the last thirteen years there has been some daunting challenges in the system.
In our reading (Juvenile Justice in America) it talks about a 1992 survey of law enforcement department’s product by G. David Curry and colleagues’ it says “the seventy-nine largest U.S. cities, 91 percent of respondents reported the presence of gang problems. These researchers estimated that there were 4,881 gangs with 249,324 gang members” and it also states “that juveniles made up 90 percent of the gang membership.” There have been seven stages identified for these emergent gangs with stage one being implementation. That is were gang leaders go to a new city to recruit juveniles to sell drug for money. They go into the low-income minority neighborhood where they promise their recruits protection and part of the profits from the drug sells.
I have fallen! Help me young sir! I have fallen! What is wrong? How have you fallen? I fell, I fell from grace itself! Now I need help! Will you help me? If you have fallen what makes you think that you can be helped? Ouch how cruel. To think that he has fallen from grace and now to be told that he can’t be helped. That’s what happened to Macbeth, he fell from grace and now there was no way he could be helped, but he didn’t even try to get help. Course, how did he fall from grace? Well, there are many ways that he fell, but mostly it's because of others. And who are these people to blame for his fall? To blame for Macbeth's downfall is the 3 witches, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth
There many things that the state of Illinois has done that they claim they were the first in the nation ever do, we had the very first skyscraper in the world, we had the first deep dish pizza and we also elected the very first African-American president of the United States. One of the other things at the state of Illinois was first and is we were the first state in the entire nation to have a juvenile court unlike the other first that I mentioned this one seldom ignites a passionate discussion or even impresses many people, the very first juvenile court in America was founded in Cook County in 1909 soon after the rest of Illinois and then the nation implemented very similar courts. These courts were first designed to help wayward use find
It has been almost 171 years since the establishment of America’s first juvenile detention center. Despite the change in culture, developments in psychology, and many years of application, the countries approach to reconciling criminal activity among youth has changed very little. A marginally refitted form of the model of adult incarceration, with a small amount of programming added in, has been the standard for rehabilitating delinquents set forth. It is absurd and ancient standard that has only produced failure at a high cost. The American Juvenile Justice System and its laws are in need of a overhaul to a system
Four current big themes in juvenile justice are as follows: (1) revising the criteria under which juveniles can be waived to criminal court; (2) assessing and serving the mental health needs of juvenile offenders; (3) increasing the use of evidence-based program; and (4) estimating the benefits of improved outcomes that are possible with evidence based programs.
The juvenile justice system is a complex web of people and agencies that process about billions of funds on a yearly basis. To understand the system requires that you have some sort of baseline knowledge of the trends that have shaped the system’s ability to function and the roles played by the various components of the system. This policy paper provides information on changes in the juvenile justice system and analyzes why the increased prosecution sentences of juveniles in adult court is another failed “get tough “policy and does nothing to focus on the best interest for the juvenile. Before the modern era, it appeared that children who committed crimes received no type of preferential treatment. They were adjudicated, punished, and imprisoned
Helping adolescents will circumvent the astronomical amount of money made by prison systems. Change is enviable, but many people want to keep things the same. Jails are making money because inmates work for pennies on the dollar. Most prisons support and employ the whole town or city. Lawmakers and prison owners want to continue to reap the revenue benefits. Progressive laws make better living conditions. Challenges from prison owners and lawmakers will make it harder to protect adolescents from being charged like
Over the past 50 years the Juvenile Justice system has seen many changes to their philosophy and how they handle juvenile matter. Supreme Court cases like In re Gualt, In re Winship, New Jersey v. TLO, Roper v. Simmon have helped shaped the juvenile justice system. Juvenile courts can no longer ignore the constitutional rights of juveniles. Tennessee has 98 juvenile courts, 109 juvenile court judges and 45 magistrates. In 1982, The Juvenile Court Restructure Act amended Tennessee Code Annotated §§37-1-201 through 37-1-214. The purpose of this act is to provide adequate juvenile court services in every county in Tennessee. The Tennessee Code Annotated §37-1-203 states, “general sessions courts shall exercise juvenile court jurisdiction except
Should a twelve year old life should be ruin by the serious crime they did, yes they should because they took someone’s life and they should do a lot jail time, it don’t matter because they committed a serious crime and they murdered someone for no reason or accident either way that person that they killed is not coming back and they didn’t deserve to die or anything. I don’t agree with the supreme court they should have young kids do the time at a young age if there twelve years old or younger. Every year the juvenile court in the US handle the estimate of 1.7 million cases of what the younger kids did. The trends in juvenile court cases did not parallel the decline in arrests of persons younger than eighteen. I feel like when the
The Juvenile Justice System (JJS) has transformed tremendously over the last 300 years. From adolescents and adults being charged with the same brutality, to the introduction of rehabilitation and diversion programs. As time went on and new political policies were brought forward in the courts, the crime rates fluctuated until the late 1900s and with policies like the Gun Free School Act (GFSA) the number o incarcerated delinquents skyrocketed. Though the conditions of juveniles that are incarcerated have somewhat improved with Positive Youth Development (PYD), there is still a large amount of discrimination in the JJS today. The system is failing to ensure that all youth with disabilities, mental issues, lower class and minorities are provided with the resources needed to live a productive and crime-free life outside of jail. Juveniles are the future of our country and it is imperative that they receive the proper education needed to become effective adults in our society. The JJS needs to be restructured to more effectively lower the chances of recidivism and advocate higher education programs for our youth. In order to accomplish this, there has to be complete reformation of PYD and restorative justice.
When thinking of reforming the juvenile justice system one has to think; what can we do to make this better for everyone involve? There are some programs that can be implemented when trying to make a change in the juvenile system. The main thing is getting parents or the guardian more involved in the child’s whereabouts. Secondly the community where the youth will have a place to go and have something more constructive to do to keep them out of trouble. Law enforcement can get involved in giving ride along and having visits to the local jails or prisons from the youth to talk to some of the inmates. Crime in life isn’t racist at all it has a no age limit, no certain gender and no social status for most of those whom decide to partake in a criminal activity. From the beginning juveniles have been an issue with law enforcement, the question has always arisen of whom will take control without cruel and unusual punishment and assist with the rehabilitation and prevention future crime actions.
The United States leads the world in the incarceration of young people, there are over 100,000 youth placed in jail each year. Locking up youth has shown very little positive impact on reducing crime. Incarcerating youth have posed greater problems such as expenses, limited education, lack of employment, and effect on juveniles’ mental and physical well-being.
Lord Acton once said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This quote shows how power leads to corruption. There is a lot of corruption. There is a lot of corruption in the world like Joseph Stalin.
Marijuana is one of the most controversial subjects today. What is marijuana? It is a drug derived from the dried flowers, leaves, stems, and seeds of the cannabis plant, sativa or indica. The drug causes changes in the user's mood and also affects how they think and perceive their environment. Today, marijuana has been misunderstood and interpreted wrongly for the simple fact that people are not well educated about the drug and its positive benefits. Marijuana is considered a gateway drug and the reason for the alleged downfall of our youth today, this is why it has developed a negative reputation over the years. Many believe that the usage of marijuana is dangerous, but it is the exact opposite. There is some evidence that states marijuana is useful for medical, recreational, and financial purposes. However, there are also numerous health concerns when used long-term, and it can become habit-forming if people start to depend on it.