Trevor Hughes, Senior Chief Marine Science Technician, United States Coast Guard Trevor Hughes was born and raised in Portland, ME where he spent most of his youth sailing around the islands of Casco Bay. After a few years of studying geology in northern Nova Scotia, he enlisted in the Coast Guard where his career led him to complete a BS in Environmental Science from American Military University. In his current position, Trevor’s primary responsibility is to train officers along with enlisted members of the Coast Guard at Training Center Yorktown on policies and procedures pertaining to the execution of the Coast Guard’s marine safety mission. As the Senior Chief responsible for the training and development of all Coast Guard waterway managers,
During the 1780s, I spoke out against the idea of expanding the power of the national government, I was viewed as the leader of the anti-federalists. In 1787, I was elected, along with John Lansing, Jr. and Alexander Hamilton to represent New York at the Philadelphia convention, the goal of this convention being to revise the Articles of Confederation. Both I and Lansing soon left the convention as we felt the real purpose of the convention was to produce a new form of government, not to revise the articles of confederation. Soon after this I wrote a letter to Governor Clinton, the governor of New York. In this letter I gave explicit reasons for my departure from the convention and informed him of my strong opposition to the constitution. I am most famous for writing many essays, under the pseudonym of Brutus, in which I argued federalist ideologies; I began each of my essays opposing these views by addressing these essays to the citizens of New
Russell Edwards, the owner of a 126-year-old shawl, which was claimed to have been found at one of Jacks murder scenes, states that he has found DNA evidence identifying Jack. The shawl was believed to have been found at Catherine Eddowes’, the fourth victim, murder scene. Edwards claims that he has a letter that proves that the shawl belonged to Sergeant Simpson, who was on duty the night of Eddowes’ murder (Conner). According to record, Simpson never washed the shawl of the blood and put it into storage, where it stayed until being sold to Edwards. With the DNA samples and the descendants, the blood found on the shawl was a match to Eddowes, and upon discovering semen on the shawl, a match was made to the Kosminski family. Jari Louhelainen,
Charlie Evan was born in New Orleans on July 1, 1985 to Lawrence and Isabella Dalca. His father was the owner of a successful boxing gym located in the Quarter and his mother worked as a part-time waitress at a small diner. At the time of Charlie's birth, the Dalca parents were having marital issues and Isabella was quite firm in her want to leave NOLA and return to New York where she herself had been raised and where her family still remained. It seemed as though she planned to take her newborn son and make the move, with or without her husband. Knowing it was a losing battle and not wanting his family to be torn apart, Lawrence reluctantly agreed to leave his own hometown and make the move for his wife and son. He sold his gym to a close relative and used the money to fund their move.
Corey Jones, a graduate of the University of Akron with a degree in Business Administration and Music, was so passionate about drumming that he organized monthly jam sessions where dozens of musicians from all over South Florida would come to the Bible Church of God and play gospel music—and sometimes a little R&B well into the night. By day, he worked as a public housing inspector and also mentored at My Brother’s Keeper, an organization for black youth, according to his LinkedIn Page. Jones carried a gun for protection because he hauled expensive drumming equipment during his gigs and would be paid in cash. Jones had both a permit and a concealed weapons permit.
Anthony Rabon is an amputee from Aynor, SC. He is a firm believer in faith and says everything happens for a reason. He lost his left leg during a four wheeler accident. It was 2:30am about 50-100 including two of his cousins. Out in the field in Aynor and they all were riding around until it was time to go home. Anthony had three separate ways to go home but he chose his way and it ended with him being hit by a drunk driver who also had drug in his system coming around a curve. The driver got thrown out of his truck resulting in him dying but Anthony lost a lot of blood and had to get eleven pint of blood in him they could not save his leg it had to get cut off.
Adam Walsh At six years old, Adam Walsh was abducted by Ottis Toole, who violently abused him, and ultimately killed Adam. The Adam Walsh case had a huge impact on the world. Born to John and Reve Walsh, Adam came into the world on November 14, 1974 in Hollywood Florida. Adam Walsh died in Florida in his hometown, Hollywood on July 27, 1981 (Standiford, n.d., Page 57).
Michael Connor was born on 04/14/1970, in Woodriver, IL to Cheryl and Dan Gallagher. Michael's parents are still alive and married. Michael stated that he has a good relationship with his parents. He felt his needs were met and he was loved. Michael was raised Bapitist. He was taught to believe in God, have a sharp moral compass, work hard, and work well with others when necessary. Cheryl and Dan had three children together. They are Michael, Shawn Gallagher, age 38 and Doug Gallagher, age 36.
Bulimba's Oxford Street is everything that Darlinghurst's isn't. You're more likely to encounter a baby stroller and weak coffee than a severe brain injury and cheap amphetamines.
James Quinn Wilson was born on May 27, 1931, in Denver, Colorado, but grew up mostly in Long Beach, California. His father, Claude, was a salesman; his mother, Marie, a homemaker. He graduated from the University of Redlands in the San Bernardino Valley, east of Los Angeles, then served in the Navy during the Korean War, although he saw no combat. He then pursued advanced degrees at the University of Chicago, where he earned an M.A. and a Ph.D. in political science in 1959.
Imagine waking up from a deep sleep and having a bunch of snakes slithering all over you. For Dylan Lapham that would be his biggest fear. Dylan was born here in Greensburg. His bithday is August 21, he is now 17 years old. During my time talking to Dylan, I learned some interesting things about his family, how he feels about school and personality traits and hoobies.
Fountain Hughes, was born in Charlottesville, Virginia, and at the time of the interview he was one hundred and one years old. He was born into slavery at a tobacco plantation in Virginia. He did not seem to like to talk too much about his years as a boy during the time of slavery or during the Civil War, but the interviewer did manage to gain some insight to the conditions that Fountain Hughes lived through. His live not only as a slave but also as a young freed man in the late Civil War and Reconstruction area.
NSW Gay and Lesbian Association of the Deaf and the National Australian Gay & Lesbian Association of the Deaf. He worked alongside these groups for 4 years from 1886 to 1890
In the words of John Muir- “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” When one finds his way to discover something new he will always be able to revert back to things that already exist in this world and i think that this is what John Muir meant when he said this, everything that everyone says then it can all lead right back to the rest of the world. In this essay i will be explaining how Italy, pickles, love, Dylan O’brien, and Chris Evans are all related.
When I move into my dorm for my first year of college, there is no question of which quote I would put onto my wall. Jimmy Dean, one of my favorite old school country singers, once said "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." This quote has really stuck with me. It reminds me that life will not always go my way and it is imperative that I learn to do deal with whatever the world may throw at me.
Many LGBTQ teens and young adults all across America are suicidal and have no one to talk to. In this situation, they can turn to the Trevor Project, a 24-hour lifeline for LGBTQ teens and young adults who are feeling suicidal. Many LGBTQ teens are bullied at school and people won’t stand up for them because they don’t want to be bullied. The emotions bottle up and eventually some of them turn to suicide. Instead of going through with it, they are encouraged to call Trevor’s suicide lifeline. I want to get involved in this organization because I think it is important that everyone, no matter how people view them, realize they are worth more than society makes them out to be.