
Trifles By Susan Glaspell Essay

Decent Essays

The relation of the title of the play “Trifles” to the play is subtle but present. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word trifle means “something of little value, substance, or importance”. Near the beginning of the play, Hale says “Well, women are used to worrying over trifles.” (Glaspell 258). This is the only time “trifles” is used in the play. However, the way the characters act and speak amongst each other reveals the true meaning of the title. The men disrespect the women multiple times in the story. The sheriff and court attorney make comments that are obviously meant to be sexist toward the women such as “Well, you can beat the women! Held for murder and still worryin’ about her preserves” and “Ah, loyal to your sex, I see.” (Glaspell 258). The men treat the women as trifles and disregard them for a majority of the play. After making all those comments about women, they chose to investigate upstairs rather than the kitchen. That’s where the …show more content…

They are blinded by their sexism which prevents them from looking in the one place where they could’ve found a sufficient amount of evidence against Mrs. Wright. As the women look around downstairs, they realize more and more things about Mrs. Wright and begin to feel kind of bad for her. Mrs. Peters shows this by saying “Somehow we just don’t see how it is with other folks until--- something comes up.” (Glaspell 263). What she means by this is that one never knows what’s truly happening in someone’s life until that person needs to know or is allowed to know. The women in the play end up finding a dead canary and hiding it from the men to protect Mrs. Wright. They notice that the canary was killed by breaking its neck, similar to the way Mr. Wright was killed. This presumably shows the main motive behind Mr. Wright’s death. He killed the one thing that made Mrs. Wright feel like she had someone even when she was all alone. That is was leads them to hide

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