
Trigeminal Neuralgia Research Paper

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Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition that is caused by inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. In patients with trigeminal neuralgia, even mild stimulation leads to intense pain. The pain may be short isolated episodes, but it can progress to longer and more frequent bouts of intense pain. This chronic pain condition causes extreme, sporadic sudden burning or shock-like face pain. The intensity of pain can be physically and mentally incapacitating and debilitating to patients with trigeminal neuralgia, although the disorder is not life-threatening. Pain episodes can occur every few hours, minutes, or seconds and then disappear for months or years until next episodes. There is always the risk that trigeminal neuralgia will recur without any signs of warning. …show more content…

In the days before an episode begins, some patients experience a tingling or numbing sensation or a somewhat constant and aching pain. There is usually a worsening of pain over time, with fewer and shorter pain-free periods before the attacks occur again. Trigeminal neuralgia generally does not occur when the patient is asleep, and this differentiates from tooth pain or migraines, which often wakes them up at night. Pain is located in areas in the body that are supplied by the trigeminal nerve, including the cheek, jaw, teeth, gums, lips, or less often the eye and forehead. Pain can either focus in one spot or spread in a wider pattern. An acute onset of sharp, stabbing pain usually affects one side of the face. The right side of the face five times more often affected than the left side of the face. Pain generally begins at the angle of the jaw and radiates along the junction lines between each of three branches of cranial nerve V. (CN

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