
Trine's Voting System: A Case Study

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As time goes on fewer and fewer people between the ages of 18 and 24 are paying attention to government activity. Many young people do not have an active participation in government. They are unaware, unsure, and uninterested in what’s going on with today’s governing body. This is a problem considering that those people are a large part of the future of this country. To solve this issue, modifications need to be made... changes that can start right here on Trine’s campus. Students cannot be expected to vote if they do not understand how the whole process works. They need to be made more aware of the government’s actions and how it actually works. The lack of involvement could be due to a lack of knowledge and therefore a lack of participation. …show more content…

So, the second objective is to create an area or event where students can freely yet civilly discuss political issues. This is significant because in order to be more politically involved, students need to have a higher political education. A politically motivated and informed student body is a good start to increase overall student involvement in politics, but being motivated is not useful if people do not know how to share their opinions and cast their vote. So, the third part of the objective is to increase the number of students registered to vote at Trine University. Being registered to vote will make student’s opinions be heard and counted for when they …show more content…

Local speakers should be brought in to talk to Trine’s students. These speakers could include local politicians giving information on their campaign or just office holders wanting to get students involved. This would give the students an inside look to local campaigns. Speakers would also include people coming to Trine to talk about local voting centers. They would explain where and how to find voting centers. For any students who aren’t Indiana residents they would be given information on absentee ballots. The cost of having these speakers come to campus will be very minimal if not free. Most candidates or current officeholders would speak for no charge just to raise support for their campaign. By bringing in these kinds of speakers it would inspire students to register, and then to vote when there are elections and laws being passed. For this solution to be implemented, it would be necessary to meet with Deb McHenry, the Executive Director of Student Success and Retention at Trine University. She has the authority to contact and organize speakers to come to Trine University. By bringing in speakers to talk about local voting centers and absentee ballots, it would most likely make the students at Trine more motivated to

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