
Tris In Divergent

Decent Essays

Along with millions of people around the world, Tris, the protagonist in Divergent, struggles to identify herself in her society. Since her society is divided into five factions: Dauntless, Abnegation, Candor, Amity and Erudite, it should be difficult finding where you belong. Today this dilemma is still present, for example being classified into a standard according to your economic placement. The rich people in our world, like politicians or rulers, are the leaders in factions. The normal working people are the people in each faction while the poor could be considered the factionless. In the beginning of the story Beatrice is in Abnegation though she feels like she doesn’t belong there, she believes she’s not selfless enough to …show more content…

The thought process of changing factions occurs to every transfer and divergent. Since Tris was divergent her process of identifying herself and choosing which faction she’d belong to decides in what group she’d be in. Some might consider Amity and Abnegation to be a faction in a lower rank while Candor and Erudite on a higher one. The elements of this Divergent world has been present for a long time. Identifying a poor person to be less than other people has been around since the medieval times and it’s still seen today with the homeless. Social classes today vary from different things. Your race, family, money, religion, place of birth even could be taken into consideration of where society places There is a critique toward social classes in Divergent. The story presents that Abnegation are the governing faction, yet it’d seem more logical for Erudite or even Candor govern the city for their knowledge and ability to actually control people. In today’s modern world Presidents or company owners would be in the Erudite faction. People that work with charity could be Amity or Abnegation while Dauntless could be the army of any sort of guardian. This novel

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