
Troy's Avenge: The Battle Of Achilles

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Troy's Avenge:
After the siege of Troy, the ruins and smolder of the devastation leave a limited number of survivors homeless. One such Troyian is a young teenager named Qadir Khan. Qadir lost his entire family in the siege. Qadir prayed to the gods for forgiveness and an ability for him to avenge his fallen comrades, family and home. After a year the shambles still lay and small tents reside around the ruins. After constant deaths from marauders, disease and the heat Qadir was one of two left him and another young teen named Alkaram. Alkaram had an idea to set sail for Northern Cyprus in a chance for a new life, so one night he robbed all of Qadirs clothes, food, tools and belongings and set sail with a small rebuilt cargo boat to Northern Cyprus.
Qadir woke up the next morning enraged of Alkarams robbery but it resided when he heard horse feet in the distance and saw a Persian soldier galloping toward him. Soon the soldier halted and asked Qadir about the fate of Troy, Qadir told the soldier of its ransack by the greeks of Athens, Sparta and Ithaca. The Persian then asked if he were the only survivor and if so if Qadir would join him in the multi cultured ranks in a feud against the Mongols. The Persian told of how the Mongols have been pillaging and conquering mass regions of China, India, Tibet, Russia and other Asian regions. Qadir …show more content…

The mass of troops retreated towards the southern Gobi in a chance to reroute whilst being chased by a Mongol hoard. After a week of trying to flee from the Mongols the death toll for both sides were perilous, trails of dead soldiers and horses lay where they were chased and chasing. Towards the end of the slaughter the Mongols were slain but as well as Tilaq soldiers, only Qadir survived with two others a Persian named Alahn and a Hindu named Shvanta. The three decided to head across the Gobi rather than being slain by Mongol

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