Truck accidents are on the rise, all across the United States, and one of the primary states that are affected by this trend, is California. There are many fatal accidents that occur in the state and many people in California know a loved one, who has lost their life in a truck or semi-truck accident. Here, we first a few important accident statistics; and then share a guide of the right steps to take, in case you are involved in a truck accident. Important Statistics Trucks are important for the economy, but they can also be identified as walking death deliverers in California. These heavy vehicles can weigh over 80,000 pounds and can cause hazards with their dangerous cargo as well. Many trucks carry pharmaceutical products and lumber, which carry a …show more content…
This means that you need to know the steps that you should take, if you are unfortunately part of an accident. Timing is important after any accident and you can save lives if you take the right steps at the right time. Here is a brief guide of what to do in case of a truck accident. Medical Help The first step should always be to seek medical help. The value of life is above all losses and therefore, you should always contact medical emergency services in case you are involved in truck accidents in California. Investigate the Incident Once you have received medical attention, then next step is to investigate the accident. Truck accidents in California are easy to investigate, because they occur due to repeating circumstances. You need to ensure that you help in identifying the evidence that clearly indicates, which truck driver is at fault. Collecting Evidence You need to collect strong evidence that can be accepted in a court of law. You should take the pictures of your vehicle, as well as that of the truck which caused the accident. You should also record your injuries and obtain their description from a medical professional. Obtain Legal
Motor vehicle crashes has continued to be one of the leading causes of death and injury to RC residents. According to the California Highway Patrol Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS),
A few seconds can be felt for a lifetime, especially when an accident occurs in those short moments and causes damage and injuries that last for months or even years. The aftermath of an accident involving a commercial truck can be particularly impactful, due to the size of the vehicle and to the presence of an additional party, the truck driver's employer. Injured parties should consider enlisting the expert help of a Palm Bay truck accident attorney to navigate complex laws and sort through the layers of responsibility. Experienced staff at Couture Law P.A. can work on getting the compensation persons injured in a large truck crash deserve.
Truck Wrecks: Ensuring victims receive the appropriate compensation in what can often be catastrophic accidents.
If you or someone you love has ever experienced and lived through a truck collision, you understand how intense the pain can be. Keep in mind that in spite of the pain, you must always remember to get qualified legal representation. In this case, get the help of legal professionals who are experienced in working with clients who are victims of personal injury.
With the vast shortage of truck drivers in Texas and nationwide, companies are known to hire individuals who are not qualified to operate trucks. There have also been instances of companies and owners not properly maintaining a truck and causing an accident. These are just a few of the common reasons that accidents involving trucks occur in Texas. Whatever the reason that they are not qualified, or why the accident occurred, they are at fault and you deserve compensation for being hurt due to someone else's irresponsible decision making.
They’ll put you on an even footing with the big trucking companies. The trucking company and their insurance
and get out. You should never stop in the middle of the road. If you are involved in a crash you
Few people think they will ever be involved in an auto collision. As a result of this belief, however, many are caught unprepared when they are in a wreck. By knowing what to do following an accident, however, drivers may help to protect themselves, and their rights.
Have you ever been riding in a car involved in an accident? Accidents can range from a small dent in the back of someone’s car to severe damage to the vehicle and even fatalities. It is important that no matter how small the accident may seem to stay at the scene and follow certain steps to make sure that everything is taken care of properly. Especially if you are the person at fault. Failure to do so could classify the accident as a hit and run and you would have just committed a third degree felony. The punishment for a hit and run could be a revoked or suspended license for a year and on top of that a one year jail sentence or a fine or both. In order to avoid that a responsible driver must apply the following steps while driving: First off the driver needs to make sure they stop at the scene of the
In addition to observing the scene of the accident, they are also responsible for making sure that everyone is safe and gets the medical care that they need. Additionally, they are responsible for directing traffic around your accident and keeping the nearby roads safe as the accident scene is cleared.
Car accident can happen to drivers and passengers anytime, and anywhere. Even though we are more pay attention to the safety of the cars, car accidents is still happening. At the same time, car accidents is an important issue around the world. It has become a significant factors leading to death. Car accidents can be caused by three factors, including the bad driving conditions, personal driving habits and car conditions.
According to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, there were more than 11,000 collisions involving large trucks in 2014. In some cases, trucking accidents are the result of trucker fatigue. This is the case despite regulations, which are aimed at limiting the amount of time that truckers spend on the road.
Have you ever been in a serious car accident? The answer ‘yes’ is becoming more and more common. In the United States more than 37,000 people die in car accidents each year not only that but 2.35 million are injured or disabled. These numbers are continuing to increase and most don’t care, that’s why it is more important than ever before to inform people about this growing problem. Making them aware could help them focus on the road and stay away from any potential distractions.
Once you’ve confirmed that you and your passengers are uninjured, there are still a few things you need to do before leaving the scene of an auto collision. The following tips can help guide you through the process of reporting and recovering from the accident, decreasing the stress and anxiety you may be feeling.
The biggest problem is that trucking accidents tend to result in significant damage. Whenever a truck is involved in an accident, other cars, passengers and pedestrians also often get severely injured or killed. Compared to car accidents, trucking accidents are associated with more severe injuries, including permanent injuries and disability.