
Truck Drivers Myths

Decent Essays

We know you’ve heard people talk about the trucking industry; most have no idea what they’re talking about, not to mention seeing the entertainment industry bash on truck drivers for one reason or another. People who don’t personally know truckers don’t know what the life is like, so we’re here to set the facts straight to some of the most common myths about truck drivers and the industry.

Myth #1
Truck drivers are drug users or serial killers - Truck drivers often get stuck with a bad reputation thanks to the movie industry where many truckers portray drug abusers, outlaws and violent criminals. First, to debunk the drug abuse, due to the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991, drug and alcohol screening must be done in numerous …show more content…

Sure, movies may show truck drivers as violent criminals, and there have been some cases of that; however, most of the time, truckers are responsible, helpful people who fight crime daily and respond first to accidents.

Myth #2
Truck drivers cause traffic accidents - Did you know that truck drivers are 3 times less likely to get into an accident than a normal vehicle and 4 times more likely to pass inspection than passenger vehicles? Only 2.4% of commercial drivers are involved in traffic accidents.

Myth #3
Male truckers are better drivers than females - Along with the myth that there are few women in the trucking industry, the myth that male truck drivers are better than female truck drivers exists as well. We’ve all heard it are better drivers than women, so it really comes as no surprise that this myth exists. In the United States, there are over 200,000 women with a career in the trucking industry. Female truckers are 3 times less likely to get into a traffic accident than male truck drivers, 5 times less likely to violate safety regulations, and 4 times more likely to pass the exam to obtain their CDL on the first time than

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