
Truck Driving Career Paper

Decent Essays

Introduction truck driving is a great career it requires a lot of time and being able to stay away from home long periods. Trucking is a very well paying career you can take career of a family off your salary.

Section #1
Most tractor-trailer drivers are long-haul drivers and operates trucks with a gross vehicle weight. Capacity- that is,the combined weight of the vehicle,passengers ,and cargo- exceeding 26,000 pounds. Heavy tractor truck drivers usually have a high school diploma and attend a professional truck driving school. The must have a commercial license. The median annual wage for heavy and tractor-trailer truck was 41,340 in may 2016.truck drivers,along with drivers/sales worker, had a workplace fetal injury rate of 24.3 in 2012, more than 7 times higher than the overall workplace average. Their rate of nonfatal injuries and their rate of nonfatal injuries and illnesses involving days away from work was 294.7 cases per 10,000 full-time workers ,almost 3 times the rate for all private industry occupations. During 2012,756 truck drivers lost their live in work-related incidents,while over 65,000 private truck driver suffered injuries and illnesses that resulted in time away from work according to the u.s. Bureau …show more content…

Order driving records from the comfort of your home in just three simple steps. To obtain your most up-to-date drivers record and begin your new commercial driving position, all you need to do is simply provide a few pieces of personal information - including your name, date of birth and driver's license number - and payment. The personal driving history you receive will feature your current driver's license status, past violation convictions (including DUIs), demerit points (if your state uses a point system), license restrictions, license endorsements and any administrative penalties. (

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