
Truck Driving Research Paper

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I plan to start truck driving after high school. Why I would choose this career is because I can see all of the United States and meet new people and I’ve always liked tractor and trailers. I just love how I can be by myself all day long with no one bother me while I drive down the road. I can be my own boss in the cab of the truck and I can sleep whenever I want to. The only bad thing driving truck is that you have a higher rollover and accident.

A truck driver does a lot of things he has to pay attention to the road and his surroundings. It takes a lot of concretion to drive the Twenty-six thousand pounds plus truck. You work all hours of the day and night and you spend all your time on the road. Every day is the same, but sometimes a different load and new dangers. You spend most of the time in the cab of the truck without any company. …show more content…

The only thing I need is my C.D.L’s which would take me about two weeks to complete. That is the only thing you need to drive trucks. But there is a test you can take so you can haul more dangerous chemicals. You can get special training you want, but most do not. My salary is about forty thousand dollars a year. But my salary can change as I improve my skills and get time hauling different loads. My work hours can vary pending on the load and the deadline. But the most is an eight to twelve hour workday. My benefits are vision, medical, and dental plus I get 401k and retirement plan. My future plan is to become a truck driver. How am I going to get my truck driver’s license? I am going to graduate high school and take the test for me to get my C.D.L. Then after I complete all the test to become a truck driver then I would have to do the hands on part. After I pass both parts of the tests, then I can become a truck

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