There are several events that lead the Mirabal sisters to oppose the “Trujillo regime”. The first event is at their high school play when Sanita almost shot Trujillo with the arch. After that day Minerva never saw Sanita again. Also, Trujillo’s party play a big role in the events that lead the Mirabal sisters to oppose to his regime. Trujillo invite the Mirabal family to his party, where he asked Minerva to dance with him. Trujillo was inappropriate with Minerva, and Minerva act with an instinct response (with a slap). That respond was really scandalous because everyone sees Trujillo as the God of the Dominican Republic. That lead Trujillo taking Minerva’s father into jail, where after his release die because he was tortured by the military.
Maria Teresa Mirabal The event in the first part of the novel (Chapter 3) that best describes Maria Teresa Mirabal is that in chapter 3 Maria has to lie to the police for Minerva who has been sneaking out to go to Don Horacio’s and help him out because he is in trouble with the police for not doing thing he is suppose to do like hang a picture of Trujillo in his house. That was very courageous of Maria, because if Maria wouldn’t have lied to the police for Minerva, Minerva and her friend Hilda would’ve got locked up for helping Don Horacio for not doing these things which were manditory. The other event which happened in chapter 2 is that Maria is the youngest of the sister, so at the time she doesn’t recognize she is and
In 1891 a boy named Rafael Trujillo was born by a middle aged family in San Cristobal on October 24, 1891. Another thing was that he was one of 11 children and was the third of them all. When he started growing up Trujillo wanted a job so what he decided to do was go and take a job as a Telephone Operator at the age of 16 years after attending a formal elementary school and a private middle school. So after he had his job for a little while Trujillo decided to forge a check from his family bank and because of that he lost his job and also was served time in jail. Also in 1916 Trujillo was known to be in a gang that had also supported him to his criminal ways and was part of the reason that he had forged the check in the first place. After
On October 24, 1981, Rafael Leónidas Trujillo was born in the city of San Cristobal, Dominican Republic and was the third child of eleven. At the age of sixteen, he got a job as a telegraph operator and stayed with that job for about three years until he diverted to a life of crime by stealing and creating a gang called “ The 42.” (Wikipedia) Later in his life, Trujillo enrolled in the Dominican Army in 1918 and was trained by the U.S Marines during their occupation in 1916-1924 because of threats of “defaulting on foreign debts”.(Wikipedia) He quickly began to gain power as he moved up the ranks. According to Britannica, it states “He rose from lieutenant to commanding colonel of the national police between 1919 and 1925, becoming a general in 1927.”
Minerva is trying to learn of the secrets of Trujillo and the bad things he has done. She wants to
On the night of May 30, 1960, Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo was killed. He was shot to death on a highway in the capital city. This event set off a chain reaction over the next five years. The United States has been a partner in the assassination of Trujillo that helped climb to power.
All during Minerva's life, some of her closest friends opposed Trujillo. The first of which was
The dictator, Rafael Loenidas Trujillo Molina, simply known as Rafael Trujillo was born October 24,1891 in San Cristobal, Dominican Republic. Though, he only attained an elementary education, Trujillo entered in the military in 1918. By 1929, Trujillo became The Commander and Chief of the National Army of the Dominican Republic. Trujillo then assumed the presidency in 1930 after eliminating any major threat to his presidency. Rafael Trujillo commenced his brutal era in the 1930’s in the Dominican Republic expanding his brutality across the island of Hispaniola. Hispaniola consists of two countries; Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic was the first country to face Trujillo’s wrath. Due to the fact that he was the elected
It has been reported that our dictator Rafael Trujillo has been testing out many girls. Even though Trujillo is married, he goes around the country looking for beautiful young girls. When Trujillo finds these girls he builds them houses where they have to live in. Our latest victim was Lina Lovaton. She went to the immaculada concepcion and was looked up to by many of the students that went there. One day Rafael Trujillo was visiting some officials house right next to the school. While he was visiting heard the shouts of girls playing volleyball. That is when he noticed the beautiful Lina Lovaton, He immediately went down stairs to visit her and then ended up giving her a medal pin from his own uniform. Ever since that day Trujillo ever since
Maria Teresa is very emotional and sensitive. They other sister Petria was the very religious one. Patria had a son and when her son died she struggled with faith. The Mirabal family problem started when Minerva slapped trujillo at the party. Dede did not join in the movement against trujillo because of her husband.
I would recommend In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez to my friend because the novel gives the four Mirabal sisters a voice to show why they rebelled against Rafael Leonidas Trujillo’s dictatorship through their experiences. In the novel, it states, “’People who opened their big mouths didn’t live very long,’ Sinita said. ‘Like my uncles I told you about. Then, two more uncles, and then my father.’ Sinita began crying again. ‘Then this summer, they killed my brother.’ My tummy ache had started up again. Or maybe it was always there, but I’d forgotten about it while trying to make Sinita feel better. ‘Stop, please,’ I begged her. ‘I think I’m going to throw up.’ ‘I can’t,’ she said. Sinita’s story spilled out like blood from a cut” (18). This quote shows Minerva’s first time hearing about the disturbing deeds of Trujillo. Sinita’s story made Minerva realize that the man that she had regarded as a god wasn’t as honorable as she thought. Consequently, Minerva started rebelling against Trujillo’s dictatorship because of his wrongdoings to the
In the book Alvarez informs us that this takes place during Trujillo 's reign over the Dominican Republic in the 1930’s to the 1960’s. Throughout history dictators have risen and fallen all across the world. Many have been seen as evil, and sometimes good to others, but no matter what a persons view tend to be there are some who even consider them god. Due to a dictators extensive powers and complete control over every aspect of a persons life this is what comes to be. Trujillo is just the same, at first his true motives were questioned and it wasn’t apparent to all what he really was. As the Mirabel sisters grow up it becomes clear that Trujillo is in control of more of their lives than it may seemed. Trujillo leads a complete authoritarian rule over the Dominican Republic with spies everywhere, this can suggest that he trying to assume the role of a terrible god, who is always watching and ready to punish. While all
10 years ago today, we lost 3 of the most influential women, who got murdered under their own ruler’s orders. These women were the Mirabal sisters, or the Mariposas, went through a lot throughout their lives when Trujillo was in power, especially with his severely oppressive regime. Trujillo would hire spies to see if anyone did not agree with him or his ideas, and would assassinate them. Isn’t that purely inhumane to do to someone? Because of this, many people disliked Trujillo and his thoughts, of which the Mirabal sisters, Minerva, Patria, and Mate and Dede were among some of the people who thought so. These sisters couldn’t stand what Trujillo was doing anymore, so they decided to join the National Underground as a revolt against him. Many would say what these women did isn’t justified since it eventually it got them killed, but I believe it is worthwhile due to the fact that the Mirabals stood up for what they thought was right, while knowing that there may be a horrible outcome at the end. I’ve discovered that the sisters sacrificed a lot, including Minerva giving up her education and the sisters orphaning their kids, to fulfill their beliefs on what they think is
Their were only four sisters, only three sisters stuck together throughout the whole entire story and was fighting for their life, the one that didn’t really stick with her sisters was Dede because her husband didn’t want her to join the movement against Trujillo but she still stuck with her sister, but not like she supposed to because of her husband and she always followed her husband rules.If Dede would’ve joined the movement with her three sisters….Minerva,Patria,and Maria Teresa/Mate she would’ve died the same day they died because of the beaten they got from the enemies, but one thing I can say about dede is that she played her role.What happened to Minerva,Patria,and Maria Teresa was that they got beaten to death.What they did to get beaten to death was that they were against Trujillo and Trujillo had people to do things for him like “beat people to death”and Dede was one of the mirabal sisters that didn’t get beat.
How would we compose the historical backdrop of such apparently distraught state savagery? We will most likely never know for certain what made Trujillo arrange the 1937 slaughter. Be that as it may, we can light up the powers that made the slaughter conceivable, break down its recorded effect, and deconstruct the myths it has occasioned and the histories it has destroyed. Such an examination, in any case, will never—nor should it—clarify away the overflow of pitilessness and unconventionality in the
All citizens are forced to hang pictures of the dictator, Trujillo. Most citizens assume that Trujillo is a nice person, and that he’s there to protect them. Once Minerva begins to age, she realizes that Trujillo is an evil man, not their protector. Because of her realization, Minerva eventually gets involved with an underground revolution against Trujillo and his regime. The revolution gets Minerva and her sisters in trouble, and costs them their lives. The police take Minerva and her sisters into prison and torture them, because Trujillo suspects them of being aligned with revolutionaries. The sisters are not given a trial and are immediately seized and taken to prison. Minerva could have shown weakness and given up easily. But instead, she chose to not cry. Minerva also tries to keep the moral of the people around her high. When her sister, Maria Teresa, almost broke down, she “held me, talking soft and remindful of all the things I had to live and be patient for.” (Alvarez