You know I've kept my mouth shut for the whole presidential campaign, but I really can't help myself . Everyone is hating on Trump for trying to Make America a better place to live for everyone . Not just white, not just blacks or anyone else . He may be a little harsh with the things he says but that's what America needs man! Everyone gets offended over petty shit and then start riots, which remind me what that solves? Trump wants to build a wall along the boarder and people hate the idea. People say that's racist blah blah blah. Whatever man he's creating jobs by having wall construction and keeping ILLEGAL immigrants out. I know why people don't want it, because who's going to do all the cheap labor that us Americans refuse to do because
My name is Jimmy Nguyen and I have previously volunteered at Toronto Pearson's Runway Run during kit pickup. As I am entering university this fall and am in the process of applying for scholarships, I was wondering if it would be possible for you to provide a reference letter for me? I understand if you cannot provide one, please just let me know. I appreciate you taking your time to read this email in any case, thank you.
In the article “Trump outlines immigration specifics,” Jeremy Diamond and Sara Murray analyze Republican candidate Donald Trump’s latest immigration policy proposal and demonstrate how his unrealistic plan could cause more harm than good. For many years now, the topic of immigration has always been a problematic one and with reason. One side argues that immigrants are taking American jobs, while the other side maintains that immigrants are actually helping the US economy. While both sides rarely see eye to eye on multiple issues, one thing that they can both agree on is that the current US immigration system is, indeed, broken. Because of this issue, Trump has proposed an immigration plan that would require the US to build a wall along the
I just can’t take it any more; my life has gone from being careless to living-hell in the span of a few years. My family has fallen apart, leaving two of the people I loved most dead and one dying horrifically slowly. I just want to rid myself of these pains and get on with my life. But I know that I never will. Not really.
Woah, woah, woah. We got a bitch ass sprog here thinking dissing someone's comment is really going to get us somewhere. You're just a little thirteen-year-old furfag, grow the fuck up already. Anyways, I was just stating the fact that just because other people are allergic to something shouldn't be the reason why something should be illegal same for folks who have asthma. Also the thing on destroying your lungs/cancer there way more other things that cause cancer, but you don't see the government trying to stop it, know do you? All the shit they put in our food cause cancer, but you don't see tons of commercials talking about how we should grow our own food or to eat better. I mean people should have the right to smoke a cigarette if they want
You might be wondering why my baby is on the wall. She is one crazy little girl. Her name is Lily Preston and she’s 3 yrs old and loves her duckie named poonie. I’m Dave and i’m 36. It’s just me and lily at the house now. Lily’s mother died when giving birth but I have to stay strong and be the best single father I can be. I had a huge business meeting at work today so I had to hire a babysitter for lily and it’s kinda scary to leave a new stranger in your house with your child alone. The babysitter turns out to be an amazing girl, she is 17, has great education and grades, has a job, can drive, is trustworthy and her name is Amanda. When I got back from work around 5pm, Amanda told me that Lily was playing in her room and that she was leaving.
All i could hear was the faint yelp of a gravely injured man. As i looked around, i found the source of the adamant yelling.
"The world didin't always look like this......the world wasen't always like this. At one time the world was vast with green and ocean's as blue as the sky opposing them. People like you and me loved and laughed with their family's and friends. Animal's like the dog next to me were beautiful creatures. Ace next to me there was my matter what he stayed next to me all the way till now...he was the only thing that gave me hope in the world my ace in a deck of cards. People were better before..they came. Now it's time i tell you about the giant in the background.
Although my main focus of my mockumentary was Trump’s issue with Mexicans, I’d like to expand the focus onto Trump’s racism, xenophobia and general thoughts, policies and views that have offended many different individuals and groups of people. I believe that these things he has said he would do should nullify his eligibility to run for president.
“Not ones our age.” I pegged him at no more than early thirties, but that could be due to the scruff coating his jawline.
This is similar to mine, but without the part that prevents you from being able to change back. It's a simple seal you can undo on your own.
ill fucking kill you bitch if you don't stop talking shit behind my back you dirty tart. You be suck all sort of dick my boy and I gonna expose your bitch ass if you don't stop. maybe ill brake your fucking family's knees in. I'm not going to fuck around anymore you fucking dirty ass bitch, another thing you owe me money you hoe. bitch I got niggas that are willing to beat your ass.........
OK damn man. Ok I’m just going to give you general details. I already told as much as I’m going to tell you about Friday night. On Saturday we party on a boat with these fine ass women, however Luther didn’t go he was too hung over, so we left his ass at the
Trump has proposed that if he were elected he would build a wall on the border of Mexico and the United States. In his opinion this is a good plan because it insures to lessen the number of illegal immigrants per year dramatically, but it would also create more jobs the US. But in reality there are much simpler and cheaper options for this issue, such as create a simpler way to gain citizenship, this way people would not feel like there only option is to do
The horn has already sounded and I’m still running. I can feel my blood pulsing in my ears. The sounds of useless advice feels the air. I continue to run. I come across a cave and ran into it. I gasp in shock and as I walk into a lab filled with mindless people editing videos. A film crew rushes at me and says, “If you were able to be in Divergent, which character would you be?” I shake my head in confusion. I attempt to back up slowly, but they grab me and place me in front of a computer and yell, “Edit!” The slam the headphones on my head and everything becomes a blur.
I stood at my window, looking out at the cruel German soldiers. The Nazis. Jews, beaten, shot, killed... for no good reason. Why the Jews? Why just them? What’s wrong with them?